Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

In recognition of National Close the Gap Day last Thursday, SAC hosted the SA launch of the film Take Heart: Deadly Heart. The film tells the story of how remote Aboriginal communities across the top end of Australia are adopting innovative strategies to eliminate Rheumatic Heart Disease. It was great to see staff and secondary students attend the film launch, organised by Pamela Edwards, to educate ourselves on how we might contribute to these efforts. In addition, students of all ages created a sea of hands in the Dunlevie Courtyard to show our support for Closing the Gap. In this significant first year of implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan, this is one of many initiatives to engage more closely with our First Nations people.

In lieu of the Swimming Carnival, our ever-creative PE staff and Sports Leaders came up with a great plan to enable as many students as possible to enjoy a swim in Week 7. The weather was perfect, and the pool was on high rotation for students from Years 9 to 12, given that other year levels already use the pool during their PE lessons. Thanks to Taylor and Elen, our Sports Leaders, for demonstrating the kind of agile and responsive leadership that is needed in challenging times!
This week saw the completion and unveiling of our beautiful nature playground in the Mitchell Courtyard. In many ways, the extended timeline allowed the students to see how much hard work it took to make their dream playground a reality. We know that students will have so much fun in this engaging and attractive space and we are grateful to the team from Climbing Tree for making it happen.

Harmony Week is an annual event that celebrates the cultural diversity we value so highly at SAC. Its about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for everyone. The Justice and Mercy team coordinated a range of events, including a cultural games day on Monday and the creation of a whole school mosaic. One of the greatest gifts that an education at SAC can provide is the intercultural understanding that grows through friendships with people from different cultures and faiths. Harmony Week is just one of the many moments in our school calendar that celebrates this gift.

Speaking of gifts, it was a pleasure to distribute to all students and staff last week a beautiful keyring designed by Ale in the Marketing Team. The keyring reminds us of our focus on the Mercy value of Courage for 2022. The gift was accompanied by a small card containing the verse from Joshua: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. For many young people, courage has been tested in recent times. We hope that this gift will remind each of us that the love of friends, family and community is always there for us, encouraging us to live life to the full.
Ms Paddy McEvoy

What will you do to #ShapeOurFuture?
Everyone has the power to make a difference and #ShapeOurFuture, and luckily, saving the planet doesnt have to mean turning your life upside down.

Turn lifestyle choices into global action by taking on any of the below simple switches, you can help our planet immensely. What will you do to #ShapeOurFuture?
1. Swap to a planet-friendly mobile plan
While were scrolling, swiping and texting whenever we want, the cell towers and data centres our phones are connected to are producing carbon emissions through the electricity they use. Thankfully, there are new carbon-neutral mobile plans that let us enjoy our phones and reduce our impact at the same time.
2. Switch to solar power
Did you know that if all households were to switch to solar, that's equivalent to taking all forms of transport off the road? If youre a homeowner, there are government subsidies that will fund the installation of solar panels on your house to help offset your usage. If youre renting, choose projects and products that use solar power, switch to a green energy provider, or join a community solar project.
3. Plant for pollinators in your garden
Bees, butterflies and pollinating birds are crucial to our global food security. One-third of the food we consume and 80% of flowering plants need pollination to do their thing. By choosing plants that attract native pollinators, your flowers and veggies will thrive while offering pollinators a place to rest and feed as they move around our cities.
4. Give your old wardrobe new life
We all love clothes, but clearly, we dont love them enough because each of us is sending an average of 23 kgs of textile waste to landfill each year. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, thats 85% of all textiles purchased end up in landfill. This switch is easy: choose high-quality clothing that lasts, only donate wearable clothing and find a textile recycling service for anything stained or unwearable. And give your old wardrobe a good once-over every few months you may find some gems in there that you can roll out again, instead of purchasing new clothes.
5. Reduce your food waste
Did you know that on average, one-third of all food produced globally goes to waste? Choosing to be conscious of the amount you buy and cook, as well as always eating leftovers, is a good place to start. Disposing of your food scraps into a worm farm or compost heap will help your garden thrive while also greatly reducing the amount of food that ends up in landfill.
6. Switch to different forms of planet-friendly transportation
Bicycles. Electric scooters. Public transport. Electric cars. Walking. There are so many ways we can reduce our impact on the environment by choosing to reduce our reliance on cars and fossil fuels. Transport like walking or cycling is good for your health too!
7. Switch to reusable items
In 2017, ABC TVs War On Waste program showed us the extremes of our single-use plastic addiction by filling a Melbourne tram with 50,000 disposable coffee cups the number Australians were using in just 30 minutes each day. Its still a confronting image today. Simply by switching to a reusable coffee cup, and taking it with you every day, you can help greatly reduce waste sent to landfill. But dont stop there. Use reusable shopping bags, rechargeable batteries, and say no to single-use utensils.
8. Turn off the power
Not just for Earth Hour, but anytime you can. Put on a jumper before turning on the heater. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Use natural light when possible. Turn off the TV when nobody is watching it. Dont leave devices charging all night. Do everything you can to turn off the power and help #ShapeOurFuture.

Year 7 Carnevale!

As part of the Year 7 Italian course, the students have learnt a little about the city of Venice and one of the most famous events that takes place there each year, Carnevale. Celebrated in the days leading up to Ash Wednesday, the festival involves people dressing up in intricate costumes. Tradition has it that the masked costumes historically allowed people to hide their identities, ensuring that for these few days, everyone is equal. Male, female, rich or poor, they can all have fun, parading around and playing jokes on each other.泭
The Year 7 Italian students unleashed their creativity in decorating masks as part of learning about Carnevale, as you can see from the photos.
Ms Jane Mahar
Languages Coordinator

Young future council members and/or law enforcement personnel!
Questioning, researching, analysing and communicating in year 4 HASS
This term for HASS, Year 4 students are researching their local councils. What we discovered is that in our classes many of us share a local council and whats more, the gender balance of Mayors in the councils represented is fairly even. Two Year 4 students even took the time to make appointments to see their local Mayor in all her regalia. What a wonderful opportunity to meet someone significant from their local area and also to ask important questions as part of their research. Perhaps we have some future council members and Mayors among our students. Time will tell!
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary Coordinator Teaching and Learning

learning about rules and laws in Year 5 HASS
Our Year 5 students have been learning about rules and laws this term for HASS. They had to choose a law enforcement personnel such as a lawyer, police officer, environmental protection officer or other. Students then had to record inquiry questions to research and present their findings creatively in front of the class. Lilliana and Gigi from 5AS chose to dress up as their characters.
"I was very confident, and I was very brave to do my talk in front of the whole class. My favourite part about my talk was my who am I question. I did cue cards for my talk, and I brought handcuffs and a hat." Liliana

Mr Adrian Sheridan
Year 5 Home Class Teacher
Touring Parliament House

"On Tuesday 15 March 2022, the Year 11 Legal Studies class had the most amazing opportunity to visit the South Australian parliament where The Honourable Rachel Sanderson MP gave us a tour. She talked about the history of the main two buildings, the Legislative Council, and the House of Assembly. She also explained to us about her role as Minister for Child Protection and gave us valuable advice on how to prepare ourselves for a career in politics a law degree is very helpful! On the tour we met The Parliamentary Librarian who shared some very amusing stories of the history of library and the unique artefacts found there. We then went to the Centre of Democracy where we were able to consider different issues related to our democracy. Both venues were fascinating, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to tour Parliament during the pandemic and just a few days before the state election."
Flaire Alfrey & Clarisse Vasseur (Year 11 Legal Studies students)
A Valuable, Impactful and Touching Opportunity
Hearing the stories gave me an opportunity to understand other peoples life stories.
As part of their study of The Holocaust, Year 10 History classes visited Adelaide Holocaust Museum this term. We are very fortunate to have this valuable opportunity so close to school! At this museum, students interacted with the museum exhibits, analysed primary sources and heard stories from the museum staff to learn about the experiences of minorities during the Holocaust. Students were also fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and hear the testimony of Andrew Steiner, a Holocaust Survivor. Students commented:
Hearing and reading about real stories from Holocaust survivors was the most impactful and important thing
Andrews message of equality and forgiveness really impacted and touched me as its not easy at all to have the mindset and forgiving heart that Andrew has. His message has definitely stuck with me and is something I wont forget.

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Year 10 Work Experience support from families and the SAC community
Year 10 students are currently searching for work experience opportunities, and we would like to request your support! If you own or work for an organisation who would be willing to provide placement for a Year 10 student, then we would love to hear from you. Students are keen to secure work experience in a wide range of professions and with the impact of COVID it can be difficult to accommodate some options.
Work experience dates for Year 10 students are Monday 20 June to Thursday 23June 2022, but alternative dates during school holiday periods may also be arranged. In a work experience arrangement, students spend time in a workplace carrying out tasks, observing how work is done and getting experience in an occupation or industry. Work experience is valuable in many ways and can offer:
- an understanding of employability skills and why they are essential for every employee
- insights into what a job involves
- structured, supervised, hands-on experience
- useful work skills that are recognised in the workplace
- confidence in ability to learn new tasks
- work/life skills, such as communicating effectively, or working in a team
- confidence in communicating with adults
- an understanding of the world of work
No matter where a work experience placement is undertaken, it provides opportunity to develop employability skills, an understanding of work and to enhance workplace communications skills. If you may be able to help, please contact Julie Stephenson at [email protected]
Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator
SAVE THE DATE! - upcoming Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo

Bright Ideas Summit
Y12 Business Innovation students and a range of Digital Technology students from Years 12 to 9 attended the Bright Ideas Summit, held at the Adelaide Town Hall. Students heard from some of Australias most exciting and inspiring innovators and changemakers, including; Dr Trudy Lin - SA Young Australian of the Year 20202, 泭Monu Chamlagai -2020 Young Citizen of the Year and Callam MacPherson - Founder, Young Blood Media.泭泭
It was great to listen to the guest speakers,
how their situations were all different and how their experiences inspired them to be innovative. They said it isnt an easy path, but it is rewarding when you persist with something that is meaningful to you. Emma Fyfe 9GL and Charlotte Delaere 9JV

Nicole Dyson, Founder and CEO of Future Anything, facilitated hands on activities throughout the day in which groups of students brainstormed problems, selected one and developed a solution.
"It was good to collaborate with students from other schools, once the ice had been broken, we all jumped in and shared ideas."
Monique Oakes 12MB
Towards the end of the day, groups submitted a draft pitch to judges Andrew Nunn- SA Chief Entrepreneur and Sandy Verschoor- Lord Mayor, City of Adelaide who then selected the top ten groups to present their pitch on stage. Six of the ten groups selected all included students from 勛圖厙.
One team, consisting of Sienna Rosenbauer 12RH, Isobel Leviton 12RH, Banen Ahmady 12MB, Portia Novosel 12MB and two students from another school won equal first! Their group looked at making an alternative single use bio plastic made out of seaweed. Whilst this is currently being done on a small scale, the target audience for their pitch was big businesses because they often individually wrap products on a large scale, rather than marketing the average household and hence, making a bigger impact on the world. Their approach was to build on the thinking of others and sparking a new idea.
Ms Joanne Villis
Digital Technologies Coordinator
Ms Linda Sarunic
Business Innovation Teacher

Pull up a chair and grab a plate! Everyone is welcome at 10 Pomegranate Street.

Over the course of Harmony Week in some primary library sessions, students have been sharing Felicita Salas beautifully written and illustrated book, Lunch at 10 Pomegranate Street. A visual feast, this book is a celebration of community, culture and diversity, filled with recipes from around the world. Taking inspiration from the text, students were asked to draw an image of themselves in their kitchen at home involved in cooking a recipe from their cultural background. Each page was created in keeping with the style of the original text, and students enjoyed sharing their page as if it was a continuation of the story we read together. Sitting at a big table where everyone belongs, it was special to see the excitement around sharing stories, recipes and memories that, while different and diverse, were deeply connected through common themes of community, family and love.
Ms Ali Ripberger

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator

Sport Update
Term 1 sport has continued to run successfully over the past three weeks, and given the number of COVID-19 absences, we have managed to avoid any forfeits. Id like to thank students and coaches for their flexibility and communication during these uncertain times. A reminder that students who are deemed a classroom contact can still participate in extra-curricular sport trainings and games. Additionally, unfortunately parents/spectators are still currently not permitted to attend indoor sporting events. This directive is being revised after Week 8, and if any changes are made, parents/caregivers will be notified.
Nominations for Term 2 & 3 sport close this evening, so be sure to jump on and secure your daughters place in a team if you havent already :
Absentee Reminder
If your daughter cannot make a scheduled training or game, a reminder that a parent/care giver must contact the sport coordinator via text or email.
SANFL Footy Clinics
SAC were lucky enough to secure a SA Schools Sporting Grant this term, which has funded SANFL afterschool clinics. We have had a small group of middle school students attending these clinics at the SAC Parklands to develop their footy skills, familiarize themselves with the AFL 9s rules and keep active! Here is what Lemar Mosleh (7AP) had to say about her experience so far:
Some of the girls have been attending football clinics this semester and have thoroughly enjoyed the cheerful environment. It's a wonderful way to meet new people while also learning new skills and connecting with others. The instructors are really encouraging and supportive, which has made learning new skills and interacting with others more enjoyable. Working with such a pleasant and outgoing group of people has been an honour

Sporting Spotlight
Congratulations to Year 9 student Claire and Year 10 student Emma for their recent participation in the 2022 State Age Long Course Swimming Championships. Claire came away with 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze, and several national qualifying times. Her next focus is competing at 2022 National Age Swimming Championships in April. Emma was also a competitive on the day, placing in both the 50m and 100m Breast Stroke. We are very proud of both of the girls and their achievements.

A number of 勛圖厙 students attended the School Sport SA Tennis Individual State Championships last week. Year 8 students Banafsha Gulistani and Madison Allen were able to make it through to the 2nd round of the main draw, which is an excellent accomplishment. Year 9 student Lucie, also played well in the Year 9/10 competition, finishing runner up in the consolation tournament. Congratulation to all students.
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator
SAC Can Drive "Dreaming with Eyes Open"
The annual SAC Can Drive is next Friday 1 April. At our Can Drive planning session last Friday, the Primary and Secondary buddy classes came up with some creative ideas for this years theme Dreaming with Eyes Open.
The SAC Can Drive is a major fundraising event with all cans donated going to the Adelaide Day Centre, to support the current 6000 people experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
We are asking students to donate a minimum of two cans to help exceed the number of cans we collected last year, which was 12,430 cans. Our current can count total is 1853 cans.
Ms 斑硃釵梁喝勳泭紼釵勳梭娶棗聆
Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)
Silver Dukes Adventure!

Last week, seventeen Silver Dukes participants ventured through the back waters of the River Murray from Cobdogla to Kingston-on-Murray. They paddled down the river through Lock 3 and across Loch Luna to set up a remote camp for the night. The team watched the sunrise while breaking camp on Friday, before navigating their way back. An amazing experience for all involved!