6:30pm in the McAuley Auditorium
From the Principal

The beginning of our 2022 school year has been very different from previous years. As with all change, it involved a mixture of challenges and blessings. Students learning remotely have risen to that challenge and are eager to return to school in Week 3. Our Reception and Year 1 students have enjoyed having the Dunlevie Building to themselves as they settled into their new home. All in all, students, staff and families have responded with their usual flexibility and understanding, and we are grateful for your support.

The Leadership Team has particularly enjoyed welcoming our new Reception students to school each morning as we escort them from the Angas St gate to their classroom. We have watched them confidently navigate their first week of learning and embrace their daily routines with increasing independence. We look forward to watching them grow and flourish in the years ahead.
At the other end of their schooling journey are our Year 12 students who have completed their first fortnight of lessons. At this stage of their education they have identified their passions and are pursuing them with a strong sense of purpose. They will provide strong student leadership for the College in 2022.

Memorial services for Sr Janet Mead RSM took place at the College this week. Sr Janet has inspired many to follow her model of service and advocacy for the marginalised in Adelaide and beyond. The Adelaide Day Centre has allowed students from SAC to engage with their work over many years. This has given students and graduates an insight into how to create meaningful change in our world. We share with the Romero Community and the Sisters of Mercy in their sense of loss at this sad time.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Getting a Head Start

Year 12 Student
Congratulations to Year 12 student Pari who has been offered a place in the University of Adelaide’s Headstart Program.
Adelaide’s Headstart scholarship program gives highly motivated students the opportunity to study at university while still in Year 12. The university studies completed count towards SACE and the university aggregate selection rank. Students are presented with a challenge beyond the Year 12 curriculum with the chance to grow as individuals as they combine secondary school and university studies.
Placement Success
In 2021 when Tayah was in Year 10, she submitted an early application for a work experience placement at the Tea Tree Gully Veterinary Hospital. The practice runs a great program for students, but you must be extremely organized as it’s very popular and many people apply. Tayah was not put off by the competitive nature of applications and made sure she approached the practice manager early. She was rewarded with a weeklong placement where she shone and impressed the staff with her attitude and capabilities. Tayah has now gained part time employment at the practice and spent many happy hours there during the recent school holidays. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement Tayah!
From the Digital Technologies Coordinator

Responding to Remote Learning at SAC
“Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills”-
Tom Peters
And during remote learning, this is exactly what happened. While students respond to the remote learning environment in different ways, most students adjusted quickly to using SEQTA to view lesson content and download tasks. However, the key missing variable during remote learning is the teacher. We are proud of the existing and new skills teachers embraced through Microsoft Teams, to develop and continue a strong sense of connection with students.
Primary student, Siobhan Aplin (4NP), reflected on the importance of having her teacher to support her learning:
“We did fun activities; I like doing an all about me poster. But my favourite thing about remote learning was seeing everyone on Teams. Something that I found challenging was not having my teachers there in person. I overcame that challenge by asking my mum to help me or asking questions in the Teams meetings.”
Deanne Forel, parent of Evie 2GC and Gemma 5JS reflects on her gratitude for teachers during remote learning:
"Although it has been challenging at times to juggle home schooling, work and our daily lives the teachers at SAC have done an amazing job supporting us through it. The lesson plans on SEQTA have been well organised and easy to follow. I've enjoyed watching my girls engage with their teachers during their daily Teams meetings and stay connected with their peers during their breakout sessions."
For some students, such as Michaelle from 9JV, during remote learning they needed to attend school for supervised lessons. She reflected:
“During remote learning, I must learn at school whilst my peers learn remotely. Whilst we can connect through Microsoft Teams, chat on our phones, and send emails while also protecting ourselves from COVID, the only thing I truly like about remote learning is the ability to learn at my own pace. I really prefer all of us being at school and learning together."
This feeling of togetherness is also confirmed by Estella (9JV), who recently joined SAC:
“As a new student I have felt incredibly welcomed and supported from my teachers and peers. I am looking forward to return to face-to-face learning and meeting everyone."
From a teachers’ perspective, whilst we’ve navigated new teaching tools and online challenges, we’ve experienced many special and memorable teaching moments. Linda Sarunic, Secondary teacher reflects:
“My year 10 Personal Learning Studies class used Microsoft TEAMS breakout rooms. In virtual groups, students were asked to discuss their favourite school subject, reflect, and discuss how they could implement a curriculum capability within their school or personal life. Even though discussions were virtual, students connected, and discussion were in-depth. I didn’t expect to witness such connection remotely, it was a great teaching moment”.

Learning is indeed a partnership, founded strongly upon relationships between teachers, students and parents, a community.
Ms Jo Villis
Digital Technologies Coordinator
From the Music Department

Music Coordinator

Welcome to Music for 2022! Although curriculum extension activities are delayed in getting started, the SAC Music Department is looking forward to a new year and to the return to some normalcy later in the term.
Due to the current COVID- 19 protocols in schools, music ensemble rehearsals and on-site private instrumental/vocal tuition will not commence until Week 5. Online lessons may be arranged between music tutor, parents, and students in keeping with the guidelines communicated to the relevant parties.
Music forms an integral part of the College community and provides students with opportunities to form new friendships, gain valuable life-skills, and contribute to the school community in a variety of ways. We encourage students to get involved once ensembles commence later in the term.
In addition to Music in the R-12 curriculum and curriculum extension program, Թ offers students the opportunity to take up individual tuition on a range of instruments.
Why should students learn a musical instrument?
A wealth of recent research supports the fact that learning an instrument for an extended period of time has the potential to impact all aspects of a student’s intellectual and emotional intelligence. This extends beyond the music curriculum and may impact on a child’s capacity to achieve across all curriculum areas. Such studies have demonstrated that participating in a strong music program assists students to develop not only musical skills, but concentration, group cooperation, literacy, responsibility, self-esteem and confidence. Learning a musical instrument and participating in musical ensembles engages students in activities which develop higher-order thinking skills, executive functioning skills and creative problem-solving abilities.
It’s also fun and a great way to meet new people!
Instruments available for tuition at SAC in 2022 include:
Acoustic Guitar | Flute | Violin |
Electric Guitar | Clarinet | Viola |
Bass Guitar | Oboe | Cello |
Drum Kit/ Percussion | Saxophone | Double Bass |
Piano | Trumpet | Harp |
Voice | Trombone | French Horn |
Lessons will be offered for 30 minutes per week during school time. Times are generally negotiated with the individual instrumental teacher so that lessons are on either fixed or rotating timetables, as appropriate. 2022 Instrumental/Vocal Tuition Application Forms with all details are available for collection from the Front Office, on the SAC website, or your daughter may collect a copy from the Music Department.
Ensemble playing gives students the opportunity to learn a vast array of repertoire while experiencing the fun and satisfaction of rehearsing and performing as part of a group. Students also use the opportunity to expand upon the techniques learned in private lessons. We encourage all students learning an instrument to participate in at least one ensemble at the school.

Ensembles offered are:
- Primary Choir (Years 3-6)
- Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir (Years 5-6)
- Middle School Choir (Year 7-9)
- Senior Choir (Year 10-12)
- Catch 22 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (audition required)
- Junior String Ensemble
- Senior String Ensemble
- String Quartet (audition required)
- Orchestra (Years 7-12)
- Flute Ensemble
- Primary Wind Ensemble
- Middle School Concert Band (Years 5-9)
- Stage Band (Years 8-12)
- Rock Bands (Years 9-12, audition required for Senior Rock Band)
- Drum Corps (7-12)
- Small Jazz Combo (Year 10-12)
Each of these ensembles will have a variety of opportunities to perform throughout the year.
For more information about the Instrumental or Music Curriculum Extension Program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator

Our SAC Vision for Reconciliation
Naa marni, hello
Did you know that our first Reconciliation Action Plan has been approved and is for public viewing on the Narragunnawali website?
You can find one of our whole school actions around Acknowledgement of Country here:
The Reconciliation Action Plan is about everyone reflecting, learning and taking steps towards cultural responsiveness and we can all be a part of this action.
Having a visual acknowledgement of country has been an important part of feeling culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families. At SAC we have had positive conversations with families who have noticed an acknowledgement in classrooms and have commented on it being significant to them.
"The proof of love is deed" Catherine McAuley
Ms Pamela Edwards
Aboriginal Education Focus Teacher

A love for STEM & A Lifetime Opportunity

"I was empowered to follow whatever career I wished and given the courage to become a woman in the male-dominated field of Engineering"
Gabriela Coehlo
(the University of Adelaide ANDY THOMAS SCHOLARSHIP recipient)
On the previous edition of our newsletter, we congratulated Gabriela Coehlo, who has been awarded the Andy Thomas Scholarship at the University of Adelaide. Gabriela was selected for her academic success, as well as her strong commitment to service of her school and community. She graduated from Թ in 2021, where she was the Student Representative Council President, achieved an adjusted Selection Rank of 99.95, Merit Awards in Research Project B and Society and Culture, and a Dux Award in Italian (Continuers). Always striving for excellence, she has received Academic Excellence awards since 2014, the 2016 Josiah Mitton Award for the best all-round student, the 2021 Catherine McAuley Service Award for outstanding service to the community, and is a Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award Recipient.
Gabriela has always had a genuine passion for STEM and leadership, with her referee also sharing that “Gabriela embraces every opportunity to serve the marginalised in our community, extending kindness and friendship to all.” From making Star Wars' BB-8 from scratch, receiving the ROWE Scientific Award and a High Commendation at the Oliphant Science Awards in 2018, completing a week-long Work Experience placement at Aurecon in 2019, partaking in the 2021 ECMS Space Industry Work Experience Placement, and attending the 2021 National Youth Science Forum to being interviewed by The Advertiser in 2020 regarding her Duke of Edinburgh's Award journey, and donating over 120cm of her hair to Variety to aid in making wigs for children with diseases that result in hair loss, she is constantly seeking ways to embrace her passions.
She is intrigued and inspired by South Australia's growing space industry and is eager to put her passions to work by helping drive progress in space innovation, education and research in our state.
Gabriela's Reflection:
Every year, the Playford Trust, the Andy Thomas Space Foundation, and the University of Adelaide jointly sponsor high-achieving school-leavers commencing a degree in Engineering, with the aim of majoring in Aerospace Engineering. It is a privilege to be the recipient of this scholarship, particularly alongside so many dedicated and intelligent young Australians who are achieving significant milestones in their respective STEM career. My love for STEM was always nurtured at Թ. I was empowered to follow whatever career I wished and given the courage to become a woman in the male-dominated field of Engineering. Of course, this would not have been possible without the guidance, support and care put in by all my teachers. A special thanks must go to Ms Paddy McEvoy, Ms Jacqui Mcilroy and Ms Julie Stephenson for their endless support in the application process, and to Mr Paolo Arman and Mr Thomas Cotton, who inspired my passion for Engineering. I look forward to starting my degree later this month at the University of Adelaide.
From the Primary Coordinator

Primary Coordinator
What a wonderful sight it was on Monday when we welcomed our new families to the College. The joy and excitement shown on the girls' faces is the gift that keeps on giving. We look forward to continuing to support our families on this journey and walking alongside their daughters to guide them as they flourish.
Ms Abby Matte
Primary Coordinator

Hello and smiles from our Reception students on their first day of school!

From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)


After School Hours Care
Collection of Reception and Year 1 students
Since commencing our Before School Care service in 2021, we have been committed to the safe delivery of students in our Early Years to their classroom each morning by an OSHC educator.
To further support students in the Early Years, we have extended our process this year to include the collection of students for After School Care.
From the start of Term 1, students in Reception and Year 1 who have been booked into After School Hours Care, have been collected from their classroom each afternoon by an OSHC educator and taken directly to the OSHC service. Our hope is that this process will support students to establish connections with our OSHC educators and build students’ confidence, so they can work towards independently attending the OSHC service, when ready.
Please remember to cancel OSHC bookings by emailing the OSHC team [email protected] or calling 8217 3200, as OSHC educators will collect all students for After School Care who appear on the booking sheets each afternoon.
Before School Care concludes at 8:30am each morning, with Թ teachers being on duty at this time.
- Students in Reception to Year 2 will be taken directly to their classroom by an OSHC educator
- Students in Years 3 to 6 are required to make their own way to their classroom at 8:30am
After School Care begins at 3.15pm, with Թ teachers being on duty at this time.
- Students in Reception and Year 1 attending After School Care will be collected from their classroom between 3pm-3.10pm each day by an OSHC educator and taken directly to the OSHC service
- Students in Years 2 to 6 will make their own way to the service, following the 3.15pm dismissal bell
2022 OSHC Enrolment Form
A reminder that all current and new families who would like to use the OSHC service this year, must complete a 2022 OSHC Enrolment Form. Please email the completed form to the OSHC team at [email protected] or alternatively it can be handed in at the Front Office or at the OSHC service.
To help us with staffing, if there are any changes to your daughter's start date or bookings at OSHC, please email [email protected] so we can adjust your bookings accordingly.
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal - Pastoral Care