It's the most wonderful time of the year! We are thrilled to invite you to join us at Թ, the 53 Wakefield St Hub, to celebrate Day on November 4. Visit the hub and enjoy our facilities, playground, refreshments, BBQ and Christmas activities! We can't wait to see you there.
Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

At this morning’s assembly, we farewelled the Class of 2023.
This year, the Liturgy Committee chose “Blessings” as the theme for our College Masses. At a Mercy Conference in Term 3, I heard Sr Cath Reuter RSM, a Brisbane Sister of Mercy, speak about the true meaning of blessings. Sr Cath’s words have inspired my reflections for the Class of 2023 today.
A blessing is not something that someone else gives to you, it’s not something that happens to you, nor is it a magical incantation that brings God’s favour upon us; rather, a blessing enables us to find the sacredness in the ordinary moments of every day. A blessing doesn’t pretend to erase the complexity or hardship in people’s lives; rather, it acknowledges that something special can exist in amongst those challenges. And our world is facing some unprecedented challenges at present, as we struggle to recognise Australia’s first peoples and witness the conflict playing out in Gaza, the Ukraine and many other parts of the world.
Pope Francis, in Evangelii Gaudium, invites everyone to recognise that we are capable of great tenderness, he calls it mercy, a blessing which never disappoints and is capable of restoring others’ joy.
And the graduating students of 2023 have brought such great joy and tenderness to one another this year. In the moments of struggle, when you wondered if that assignment would ever be finished or whether that performance was good enough, someone found the words of encouragement and support that you needed. Perhaps it was the student sitting next to you, or one of the many parents, siblings, friends or staff members that have joined us for today’s assembly.
And on this World Teacher’s Day, I would like to acknowledge in a special way the teachers and support staff at SAC – primary and secondary teachers, the inclusive education team, counsellors, nurse Sue, office staff, the library team, the IT crew and maintenance - everyone who goes above and beyond to create this environment to enable success for all. This school is incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful staff!
There’s an old Irish saying: “When I count my blessings, I count you twice”. It acknowledges that there are some special people in our lives who always seem to know what we need and how to be truly present for us. I hope that our graduates will take the time to recognise those special people who are blessings in their lives and count them twice!
This moment, today’s graduation celebrations, would not have been possible without each one of you in the Class of 2023. Your life matters and the loving kindness you bring to the world is deeply powerful.

At our Mercy Day Mass, we farewelled a long-serving member of the Maintenance Team, Gunars, with an Irish Blessing from the choir. Today, I offer our graduating students that same blessing:
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face and
May you be held in the palm of God’s hand.
Class of 2023, you have been a blessing on the Թ community. We will miss you, and we wish you well.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Congratulations to the Class of 2023!
From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)
We are very pleased to announce the Year 12 Executive team for 2024. As a part of the Year 12 Executive team, students facilitate leadership and decision-making by bringing important issues to the notice of the school community, as well as organising whole school events and taking on additional responsibilities.
We congratulate our 2024 Executive members, a strong group of passionate and energetic young leaders.
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who applied to be on the Year 12 Executive team. They are to be commended for their efforts throughout the selection process and willingness to immerse themselves in student leadership. The Senior Leaders process for Art, Drama, STEM, Music, Languages and Sport has commenced, and Senior Leaders will be confirmed by Friday, Week 4.
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care
Celebrating 100 years of Cunningham Memorial Chapel - A Gift that Keeps Giving
MERCY LIGHT: Believing

The Sisters of Mercy knew a thing or two about ‘going viral’ before the term was used to describe pop culture sensation. In 1974, Adelaide’s own Sister Janet Mead soared to international success with her rock rendition of The Lord’s Prayer, selling 3 million copies worldwide and earning her a Grammy nomination, narrowly missing out on the music industry’s top award to none other than the King of Rock, Elivs Presley. The music video has been shared close to half a million times via YouTube and is especially fascinating to students and old scholars from Թ, who enjoy a virtual visit to yesteryear, following Sister Janet through their school grounds as they appeared in the ‘70s. Parts of the College depicted in the film have since been transformed beyond recognition, but the video’s opening frame on one iconic site dispels any doubt that the Singing Nun is within the grounds of Թ.
The pièce de resistance is the red spire of the Cunningham Memorial Chapel, located in the heart of SAC, adjoining the Angas St Convent building where around 60 Sisters of Mercy resided for decades. The Chapel opened on November 21, 1922. Sister Mary-Anne Duigan and SAC Archivist, Carol Grantham, proposed the idea of a celebration ritual to mark the culmination of the Chapel’s 2022-23 centenary year. The ritual was held on Friday October 20 and was attended by over 40 Sisters, current and former staff and old scholars. One staff member quipped, “I RSVP’d to the invitation as quick as a flash because I knew too many people would want to come!” The Cunningham Memorial Chapel holds great significance for many within the College community and beyond.

Sister Kathryn Travers, who documented the Chapel’s rich history, writes, “The Chapel is here because of the generosity of the parents of Mother Cecilia Cunningham. After her parents’ death, Mother Cecilia and Mother Mary Clare, two of the original founding Sisters of Mercy who came to Adelaide from the Argentine [Argentina] in 1880 and returned there in 1912 to claim Mother Cecelia’s considerable inheritance, gifted by her late parents.”
“Mothers Cecilia and Clare were unable to return to Adelaide until early 1920 when the estate was finally settled, and their delayed return was also because the conflict of World War 1 made sea travel too dangerous. Carmel Bourke, a former Principal of SAC, was a boarder at that time and remembers the arrival of the two sisters at SAC, writing that, ‘There was great excitement and a half-holiday granted, as the two Sisters made a tour of the school and we [students and staff] welcomed them with songs and cheers.’”
Sister Kathryn continues, “…The whole of Mother Cecelia’s generous inheritance was used by the Sisters of Mercy in their work through obtaining and developing property and buildings in the Archdiocese at Parkside, Henley Beach and Goodwood as well as at SAC.”
Today, thousands of students enjoy an excellent education in the Catholic and Mercy traditions within these sites. At SAC, the Cunningham Memorial Chapel offers a space of quiet contemplation amid bustling city surrounds. It frequently hosts students for class and year level liturgies, and the wider community for funerals and weddings. If you blink at the 1:25 minutes mark while viewing Sister Janet’s music video, you may miss a scene of students praying inside it, but even now, old scholars who are members of Sister Janet Mead’s Romero Community celebrate a liturgy in the Chapel each Sunday.
Carol Grantham describes the Chapel as a place that holds, “a sense of serenity and breathtaking awe,” explaining that, “there is something about the quietness, the coolness of the space. It is not an ostentatious building by standards of international comparison, but the craftsmanship and detail is certainly admirable. There is beauty in the way daylight seeps through the stained-glass windows, just enough to see clearly, so that one almost feels cocooned.”
Sister Mary-Anne Duigan, who joined the Convent of Mercy in 1967, believes that if walls could talk, we could all learn a great deal from the stories shared, prayers offered, hymns sung and the significant Professions celebrated within those of the Cunningham Memorial Chapel.
The Sisters enjoy reminiscing about the Chapel which, Mary-Anne says, “was at the centre of our lives.”

“I remember stories shared about the times when our Argentinean sisters were in desperate straits and enduring terrible unrest over there, we were in contact with them and regularly prayed for them in the Cunningham Memorial Chapel. Our Mother Superior offered them a home with us in Adelaide, should they ever need it.”
Indeed, if its walls could talk, these ones would convey tales of joy, humour, song, and several of shared grief and fear, but the constant thread running through these recounts spanning more than 100 years is that the Cunningham Memorial Chapel is a birthplace of connection and hospitality, nurtured through communal devotions of love and rich faith.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing Team & Social Justice Coordinator

2023 Athletics Carnival - Well worth the wait!

The sun smiled down on us last week as our students enjoyed a day of friendly competition and fitness at SA Athletics Stadium. St Anne's, St Clare's and St Margaret performed exceptionally well, but ultimately St Teresa's emerged as the top team! Congratulations to all. We are grateful for our wonderfully dedicated and resilient PE Faculty and Sports Leaders who, regardless of rain, hail or shine, go above and beyond to engage all students in sports and physical activities.

From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services
#1 New York Times bestselling author and illustrator, Andrew Joyner
Term 4 started with a special visit from one of SAC’s favourite author/illustrators, Andrew Joyner, with our Year 6 classes enthusiastically participated in his inspiring and hands-on workshops. Andrew used his picture book, Love Was Inside, to model and encourage students to create their own mini-book – with fantastic results. Students benefit so much from hearing firsthand from authors about their experiences in being published. It is always interesting to hear how each author persists through challenges they face to achieve their goals. The overwhelming message is consistently to keep reading, keep writing, and to look for stories through our experiences around us.
Ms Ali Ripberger

SAC was a sea of pink for our annual PINK DAY!
A sea of pink engulfed SAC last Friday for our annual PINK DAY! Students and staff wore pink clothes, enjoyed pink treats and paid tribute to the 1 in every 7 women, and 1 in every 500 men, who are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Students and staff had the opportunity to write a tribute message at our Mini Field of Women in the Undercroft. A lunchtime charity match was a chance for students and staff alike to demonstrate their volleyball skills and compete for glory, all whilst putting on a show for the spectators and continuing the school’s fundraising efforts. Ms McEvoy scored three aces, nudging the staff team across the winning line! Congratulations to the SAC community. All proceeds raised support the Breast Cancer Network of Australia (BCNA), who work to ensure that care, treatment and support are provided to Australians affected by breast cancer.

Commemoration of the Battle of El Alamein

Last Sunday, the Year 11 Student Representatives from Թ, Ms Paddy McEvoy and I were invited to participate in the Commemoration of the Battle of El Alamein at the 2/43rd Memorial Pathway of Honour. Թ holds a connection to the history and sacrifices made by the 2/43rd and is proud to hold and have in our care, the Memorial Crosses and Regimental Banner for the 2/43rd.
Anjali and Gabi spoke at the service about the Mercy values of Courage and Service, connecting the historical context of the Battle of El Alamein with the College's values, to honour those who fought in the battle and highlighted the enduring impact of their legacy. It was heartening to see students engage with and appreciate the historical significance of events like these.
The long-standing friendship between Թ and the families and friends of those who fought at El Alamein adds a personal and meaningful dimension to the commemoration. Such connections ensure that the memory of the sacrifices made during the Battle of El Alamein is kept alive and respected.
"Lest We Forget" serves as a poignant reminder to honour and remember the brave individuals who fought and sacrificed for their country. It's important for younger generations to understand and appreciate the historical events that have shaped their world, and events like the Commemoration at the 2/43rd Memorial Pathway of Honour contribute significantly to this awareness.
Ms ܾѳDz
From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Short courses
Like a taste-tester at an ice cream shop, short courses can allow you to sample an interest or industry area before committing to a full certificate level qualification. Gaining insight into the type of knowledge required for a particular industry or field can save you time in the long run and can help you to determine if it is right for you.
Benefits of short courses include:
- Quick way to gain quality skills
- Insight into an industry
- Further your career
- Great way to learn workplace skills
- Looks great on your resume
Congratulations to Year 10 student Shamima who, in the recent school holidays, completed a Try-A Trade course in Plumbing and Electrical at St Patrick’s Technical College:
“We learnt how to fix a tap in plumbing and how to put together a light switch. I enjoyed both of them because they were practical and I enjoy fixing things. Learning how to use different hand and power tools was also fun!”

Girls in Engineering Creative Challenge
UniSA, Catholic Education SA, and Fleet Space have partnered to create an inspiring STEM program for Year 8 students in which they have been tasked with a creative challenge to solve real world problems. Using design thinking methodology, students Olivia, Lili, Saachi, Sophie and Leila will explore a future problem set by Fleet Space as the industry partner and will determine a solution they think will have the most impact. So far, the group have attended an industry visit to Fleet Space, and an introductory day at UniSA where the challenge was outlined. We can’t wait to see their amazing ideas come to fruition.


MedEntry is running a free, interactive, online webinar for parents and students. The session will cover pathways into medicine/dentistry, prerequisite subjects, how to prepare for UCAT & interviews, including free resources, and a Q&A session.
The webinar will be run by Dr Ray Boyapati (Gastroenterologist at Monash Health and Director of Education at MedEntry). A similar session that was run last year was very well received by attendees.
Monday 6 November 2023 from 7:30-8:30pm AEDT (Melbourne / Sydney time).
(it only takes a minute!)
All registrants will receive a link to the recording in the event you are unable to attend.
2024 National Youth Science Forum Participants
Congratulations to Year 11 students Sophie and Amelia who have been selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum in January, sponsored by Rotary. The Governor of SA, the Hon Frances Adamson, hosted a reception for NYSF participants at Government House last week.

Sophie and Amelia are pictured here with their Physics teacher, Paolo Arman, and their proud Mums, Ms Allison Berry and Mrs Marita Carman

Ms Allison Berry, Sophie, The Governor of SA, the Hon Frances Adamson, Amelia and Mrs Marita Carman
First Nations Graduation - SAC Outstanding Leaders!
In a heartwarming celebration of achievement, four Թ students were recently honoured for their academic accomplishments within the Catholic education system. Teyah, Keeral, India and Danica were part of a larger group of 38 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12 students who gathered at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide on September 25 for a Graduation Ceremony that radiated with culture and spirit.
The event commenced with a touching Welcome to Country delivered by Cultural Advisor Ms Veena Raymond, followed by a heartfelt prayer offered in Kaurna language by Father Tom Gleeson. As a symbol of their achievements, each student was presented with a certificate of completion and a stunning framed artwork by local Aboriginal Artist David Booth.
The ceremony concluded with a touching Aboriginal Blessing, followed by an afternoon tea filled with excited conversations about future plans and the anticipated joy of completing 13 years of schooling. Our community extends their heartfelt blessings to these four soon-to-be graduates from Թ as they embark on the exciting journey beyond school, marking a new chapter in their lives filled with promise and potential.
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary Coordinator (Teaching & Learning) | First Nations Focus Teacher

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Term 4 Sport
Summer sport kicked off last weekend with two convincing wins for our middle and senior water polo teams. Following this, our volleyball, basketball, tennis and touch football teams competed in their first-round matches of the season across a range of Catholic schools and venues.

It is always so rewarding watching our old scholars come back to support younger students in pursuing their passions for sport, and this term is no different with 10 old scholar coaches and 3 current Year 12 students coaching teams. We are so appreciative of the knowledge, expertise and genuine care that our old scholars provide, and they are a huge part of our sport program.
A reminder that senior (Year 10-12) competitions will wrap up after Week 5, and middle (7-9) will finish after Week 6. We wish all teams the best of luck and look forward to sharing some highlights as the season progresses.

Sporting Spotlight!
Australian Junior Squash Championships
Year 7 students, Olivia and Nadia, have recently competed in the Australian Junior Squash Championships. They dominated the U13 Girls division, taking home 1st and 2nd in the competition. They showed their squash skills are improving rapidly and have drawn the attention of National Coaches, and Sponsors.
Not just local, but global squash players are abuzz with the news that Squash has been included in the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics. Olivia stated, “squash being an Olympic sport gives me great pride as a squash player, and the drive to succeed”.
Squash Stars Program driven by Squash Australia, is coming to St Թ this term. A class of Year 6 students will trial squash during PE classes.
For more information about suburban Junior Squash Programs follow the link:

National Lacrosse Tournament
Congratulations to Year 8 students Kira, and Olivia, who recently competed at the U15 National Lacrosse Tournament, held in Ballarat. Check out some great action shots below!

Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator
Term 4 Upcoming Events
It's the most wonderful time of the year! We are thrilled to invite you to join us at Թ, the 53 Wakefield St Hub, to celebrate Day on November 4. Visit the hub and enjoy our facilities, playground, refreshments, BBQ and Christmas activities! We can't wait to see you there.

SAC Spectacular is an end of the year celebration where SAC students are given the opportunity to perform for family and friends. Students have worked hard at rehearsals, and we can’t wait to see them perform!
For Ticketing Information, please click here.