SACOSA is happy to announce our annual Mercy Day High Tea at SAC will be held on Sunday 24 September from 1pm-3pm in the SAC Undercroft. Tickets are $15.泭
Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
The weather was not kind to us on Thursday 7 September, forcing a deferral of the annual Athletics Carnival at SA Athletics Stadium. Whilst we were all relieved that we were not caught in the pouring rain, it was a disappointment for the staff and students who had spent countless hours preparing for this event. We look forward to Week 1 next term when we can hopefully expect a sunnier day!
On Friday 8 September, the staff of the College headed to the Village Well in Aldgate to participate in a Staff Retreat Day. The theme was Why Mercy Matters, and we heard from two current staff members who have been on remarkable journeys. Gaby Kinsman recently returned from Dublin having graduated from the Mercy Emerging Leaders Fellowship. You may have read Gabys story in this months Southern Cross. Maddie Kelly spoke about her work with the Justice and Mercy program here at SAC and her time at the School of St Jude in Tanzania and how these experiences revealed the meaning of mercy. We then spent some time participating in practical workshops in order to make a contribution to some of our local works of Mercy. We finished the day with a presentation from Catherine House, a centre established by the Sisters of Mercy that continues to provide refuge for women experiencing homelessness. This retreat day was brought together by Ms Elizabeth Boylan and was a powerful reminder of the privilege it is to work in a community that fosters mercy and makes such a difference in our world.

Staff Retreat Day Why Mercy Matters

Thank you to the many family members who attended the Reception to Year 11 Learning Reviews last week. There is clear evidence that parental involvement has a positive impact on student achievement, and these conversations provide a forum to celebrate the educational growth that has already happened this year and collaborate on next steps for learning. We appreciate the respectful dialogue that exists between parents and teachers here at SAC. There are many more modes of communication available now, through SEQTA, emails and phone calls, but the face-to-face conversation is still a key element in supporting student success.
I had my own learning review last week, with a panel of educators meeting at SAC to conduct my appraisal. I appreciate the many parents and staff who took the time to complete a survey, as well as the staff and students who were interviewed. Feedback is an essential part of learning and development and I plan to take on board the wisdom and insights that have emerged. The 勛圖厙 community has profoundly shaped the person I am today, and I look forward to being part of its continued flourishing.
Spring certainly arrived in Adelaide and the temperature in the SAC Music department was also heating up! Last Friday's Spring Concert at the Adelaide Town Hall was a fabulous showcase of the talents of both students and staff. Hearing a few rehearsals made me conscious of the depth of talent in our midst and I couldn't wait to see them hit the stage in this prestigious venue. In Week 10, the Catholic Schools Music Festival will take place at the Festival Theatre, providing another amazing performance opportunity for our girls. We are blessed to be in the centre of the city and our creative and enthusiastic Music department takes full advantage of the venues and events on our doorstep.
Ms Paddy McEvoy

Some of our young choir performers will soon be taking to the stage as a part of the Catholic Schools Music Festival!
Bell Shakespeare Incursions

The Bell Shakespeare Companys Players presented a transformation of Shakespeares classic tragedies Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth for the Year 10 and 11 students. The productions contained a mix of excerpts from the original plays interspersed with commentary that explained the significance of the action, the characters motivations and the playwrights craft.
Some students reflected:
"We really enjoyed the performance. It was very engaging and interactive as they used volunteers from the audience to act in it. They also used comedy to lighten up the dark themes of泭Macbeth. The actors were really passionate about their roles and really embodied their characters."泭Savana & Scarlett (Year 11 students)
"The presentation had a mix of comedic elements yet retained the serious aspects to tell the story in the way Shakespeare wanted it to. The acting done by the Bell Shakespeare company was highly in character and the actors played their roles well. The interactive aspects of the performance helped keep the audience entertained and interested in the story." Angelina, Sophie & Tilda (Year 11 students)
"The Players took a unique approach in sharing the story of泭Macbeth. Performing it as a group who are rehearsing the show helped the audience understand what was going on in the story as they took the time to explain through scenes. The performance captured our attention as it took on a modern approach which was more interesting for secondary school students." Keira & Marley (Year 11 students)
Ms Genevieve Pelekani
English & Literacy Coordinator

A Happy Father's Day Blessing

On the morning of Friday 1 September we were delighted to welcome all father figures and significant men in our students' lives to celebrate Father's Day with a blessing. It was a wonderful celebration featuring a special performance from our Primary Choir, scrumptious breakfast treats and lots of gratitude from everyone present. Thank you to all who joined us for the occasion!

Reigniting Connections in the Red Centre

Mercy Light: Connecting
If you look at a map of Australia and cast your eyes to the corner where the borders of Western Australia and Northern Territory meet South Australia, you are looking at a geographic location that holds significant meaning to the 勛圖厙 community.
This remote corner of Australia is also known as Surveyor Generals Corner. Red desert sand blankets the ground around a small podium, marking the very position at which the three borders meet and the soils blend. Near the podium is a small letterbox, in which is placed a guest book, but there is minimal other evidence of human impact. The land around is rugged and dotted with outback scrub as far as the eye can see. If you are ever so fortunate as to visit this remarkable location and trawl through that guest book, youll likely come across the names of many students and staff from 勛圖厙 who have been to Surveyor Generals Corner.泭

Around 30 kilometres east, blending of a different kind occurs. Blending of cultures, sharing of stories, building of friendships. Pipalyatjara (pronounced Pip-al-yat-jara) is a remote indigenous community that students and staff have been visiting since 2010. Former SAC staff member, Ginny Edgerley, first ventured to Pipalyatjara to teach secondary girls in the school a few years earlier and helped to link SAC with Pipalyatjara Anangu School. The school is a hive of connection and activity, serving 150 members of the community, around one third of whom are children.
It has been 13 years since six students, one Old Scholar and two intrepid staff first visited Pipalyatjara. Indeed, the inaugural visiting group was lucky to even make it beyond Alice Springs airport. Having flown in from sunny Adelaide one February morning to unseasonal rainfall in the Red Centre, they were told that no light-aircraft would be flying to Pipalyatjara until the end of that week; a Friday, which was supposed to be the final day of their stay in Pipalyatjara!泭

However, teachers, Susan Holoubek and Briony Collard swiftly found a work-around: an overnight stay in Alice Springs, followed by a day-trip to Uluru, and some prayers for the rain to cease enough to dry the muddied roads so that the group could catch the Bush Bus a lengthy passenger journey that winds through many APY Lands communities, and eventually stops in Pipalyatjara. Depending on road and weather conditions, the trip could take up to 16 hours.
The plan, and prayers, worked, and the 16-hour Bush Bus journey gave students and staff alike the opportunity to reflect on the vastness of our country, and the experiences of First Nations peoples who live in remote communities. The four days that followed the tumultuous arrival, as Susan Holoubek then wrote, constituted, one of those very special life experiences that are enormously difficult to convey to other people.
The group did an exceptional job of conveying those experiences, which have spilled into eight subsequent visits to Pipalyatjara, several visits from their staff and students to SAC, and countless extraordinary tales of immersion, adventure, learning and friendship. Most of the extraordinary memories have been created occurred in the simplest of moments; like, in 2016, when the visiting staff and students were guided by a renowned artist and Elder from the area (name withheld as this person is recently deceased) to Pipalyatjaras traditional homelands, located just outside of town, to view the sunset and enjoy a cup of tea brewed in a billy over a campfire, and to taste some malu wipu cooked kangaroo tail! Not one phone in sight, the group spent time engrossed in stories of the Anangu who have called Pipalyatjara home for tens of thousands of years.
Over a decade later, post-pandemic, the story continues, and SAC returns to Pipalyatjara after three long years to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. In November 2023, five staff and nine Year 11 students will travel to Pipalyatjara, via Alice Springs and Uluru, for one week of exchange with First Nations cultures. In the spirit of service and hospitality, the Year 11 participants hosted a barbecue on Wednesday 13 September to fundraise for supplies to gift to the Pipalyatjara community at the end of the year.泭

The fundraiser was the first of many opportunities that these Year 11s will have to demonstrate teamwork, leadership, problem solving and effective communication in the coming months, as they prepare for this important experience.
Especially important is that this visit will begin just over a month after the National Referendum on The Voice to Parliament; it is a significant time in Australias history. The trip to Pipalyatjara opens students eyes to daily realities for many First Nations peoples living remotely, which is an opportunity that many Australians do not have the chance to experience.
When our students visit Pipalyatjara, they are engaged in fun activities within the classroom, after school swimming in the community pool, visits to neighbouring community, Kalka, and the nearby indigenous arts centres. And while they participate in these activities, it is imperative that they take time to listen, observe, and later reflect, because there is much to learn from our friends in this faraway corner of this country.
If you would like to learn more about SACs long-standing connection with Pipalyatjara Anangu School, please watch Ngapartji Ngapartji a short film made about the exchange by Ninti Media in 2016:泭
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing Team & Social Justice Coordinator

'Our Stories' Primary Excursion
Some of our Primary students had the opportunity to participate in the 'Our Stories' event as part of the Festival Centre's Celebrating First Nations Festival. Seated around a campfire and listening to the sounds of animals, students listened to traditional Dreaming Stories of the Boandik, Ngarrindjeri and Adnyamathanha peoples learning about how these stories teach about values and culture. Afterwards, the students were treated to an illustration workshop with renowned Ngarrindjeri Artist Cedric Varcoe where they were able to put their skills into practice by responding to the Thukeri story, a Ngarrindjeri story that teaches about the dangers of greed and lying. It was a privilege to be one of just a handful of schools selected to participate in the workshops with Cedric and to learn firsthand about his process for creating symbols and artwork.
Ms Viviana Graney
First Nations Focus Teacher
Join our Pageant Day Hub Planning Group!
From the Catherine McAuley Library

TeacherLibrarian & Information Services
The pastels were out in the library last week!
Our Year 1 classes took inspiration from beautiful flowers and foliage to create their own colourful artwork. Their responses were modelled on rich illustrations in the picture book they shared together in their library session.

The pastels were out in the library last week!
Indigenous Literacy Day is a day to celebrate stories, languages and cultures. Students in 6AC and 3RM joined together in the library to watch the livestream of the ILD National Film from Sydney Opera House on Wednesday. Students then paired up to share picture books from our collection in First Nations languages.泭
Ms Ali Ripberger
TeacherLibrarian & Information Services Coordinator

2023 Debating Season
This debating season saw nine teams from Years 6-10, entered into the competition run by Debate SA. Each week the teams, guided by their coaches, discussed, researched and meticulously prepared their debates and rebuttals. The coaches and supervising staff have been so impressed with their dedication to research and preparation, sportsmanship, team spirit and confidence that our students displayed each round, with many of our team members being awarded the Speaker of the Night Award. We extend our best wishes to our 6/7 Black and Year 9 Purple teams who have qualified to the Quarter Finals Round.
Ms Lisa McLaughlin
Year 8 Coordinator

Lady Day at Emerson's Bar & Grill
Drama and Music ExcursiON
The Year 10 Drama and Music students as well as theYear 11 Music students were fortunate enough to see a play about the life of jazz singer, Billie Holiday. Both breathtaking and challenging, this inspirational musical play took us all back to a very different time with an amazing jazz band and an exceptional performance from performer, Zahra Newman. All the students and staff enjoyed the show immensely and some of their comments are below.
Mr Tom Coultas
Drama Coordinator
students REFLECTED:
The actress playing Billie Holiday, her voice was entrancing, the drums were thundering, it was beautiful. Emily
It was really entertaining, heavy and deep. The music was light-hearted and fun. Scarlett
The play was very exciting, the main character did great audience interaction which made the play more interesting." Nadia
It was a marvellous show it made feel like we were really in a nightclub or bar in the 1930s. Phoebe
The jazz performances were exceptional, they played immaculately absolutely breathtaking. Hanaaz

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Primary Sport 職 Time
Competitive Basketball Comes to an End for 2023
The teams battled hard throughout Term 2 and the beginning of Term 3 and by the end of the season, all teams managed to win a game. The competition ended quickly due to the Royal Adelaide Show needing use of the venue, however, we have instilled the expertise of Kelly Sports to help to run training sessions for the remainder of the term to help to develop skills for next year. The girls have been having fun and learning a lot!
Saturday Lacrosse Done and Dusted for another season
A very dedicated team of 11 SAC students (and their parents) were out at lacrosse at 7:45am on Saturday mornings ready to warm up to play throughout Terms 2 and 3. From all accounts, the girls always played their best and never gave up, winning one game this season. It is a tough competition, with some club teams as opposition. The most important thing is that the team improved every week. A huge thank you to old scholar Eleanor Kearsley who was so well organised taking the team for both training sessions and games all season, the girls loved their experience, and I am sure will be back again next year. Also, a big thank you to Gab Cronin who was out at most lacrosse games as the supervising teacher. This school team is connected to the Eagles Lacrosse Club and the girls will be invited to the presentation in the near future.
Netball Two more games to go
There are two more games of the 2023 season. Teams have trained hard and tried to implement what they have learned into game situations. Coaches have tried to work on one thing each week with their teams and all teams have had not only success on the score board, but success in their development. I hope that all players have enjoyed their season and will be back again next year.
Come n Try
The Receptions have been enjoying their Gymnastics experienced facilitated by Kate from AEROKids Gymnastics, Year 1s have been practicing their tennis skills with Marcus from Head Start Sport and the Year 2s have been introduced to lacrosse by Eleanor (our primary coach from the Eagles) in readiness for next year. Come n Try is a big thing for the Receptions Year 2s to be involved in after a full day of school, but they are trying their best to concentrate and learn as much as possible.

SAPSASA Athletics
On Friday 1 September, 19 Year 4-6 students travelled to Bridgestone Arena to compete against other schools in the East Adelaide SAPSASA District day. We had some excellent results throughout the day. Special mentions to the following students:
Name | Event | Place |
Edytka Taneja | 10 yr old Discus 10 yr old Shot Put | 3rd 4th |
Vivienne Lugg | 11 yr old Shot Put | 2nd |
Maia Burden | 12 yr old 800m 12 yr old High Jump | 1st 1st |
Eliza Harris | 12 yr old Shot Put | 3rd |
Sidney Fahey | 12 yr old 100m | 3rd |
Emma Hudson | 11 yr old 200m | 4th |
Pearl Bament-Sitkowski | 12 yr old 200m | 2nd |
I was also so impressed that we had Airley Fiorita and Mila Zunic make the 11 year old 100m final, Sidney Fahey and Pearl Bament-Sitkowski both made the 12 year old 100m final, Airley Fiorita and Emma Hudson both made the 11 year old 200m final and Pearl Bament-Sitkowski made the 12 year old 200m final.
Our 4 x 100m relay teams also did an amazing job! The 10 year old team (Brielle Forby, Lenni Bament-Sitkowski, Senudi Senaratna and Edytka Taneja) came 3rd, the 11 year old team (Airley Fiorita, Mila Zunic, Emma Hudson and Chloe Battilana) came 2nd and our 12 year old team (Pearl Bament-Sitkowski, Sidney Fahey, Matilda Hassam and Maia Burden) came away with 1st! It was a proud Primary Sport Coordinator moment. Not only did the girls perform so well throughout the day, the way they supported each other in all of their events was so lovely to see.
Congratulations to Maia Burden, Sidney Fahey and Mila Zunic who have been selected to represent the East Adelaide district to compete at the SAPSASA Athletics day later in the term.

Exciting Year 5/6 Knockout Basketball News
As the Year 5/6 Knockout Basketball Team performed so well in their round robin day earlier in the term, they have been given a wildcard to compete in the statewide finals on Thursday 14th September at The Lights Community Centre. We wish them all the very best for their tournament!
Term 4 SAC Primary Festival of Clinics
Due to the short term and the busyness of Spectacular, Term 4 sport takes on a clinic style format across Weeks 3-6.
Clinic | Year Level(s) | When | Where | Cost |
Come n Try Dance | Receptions | Tuesdays, 3:30pm -4:15pm | SAC Gym | $40 |
Water Polo Clinics | Year 5-6 | Wednesdays, 3:30pm-4:15pm | SAC Gym | $40 |
AFL Clinics | Year 1-4 | Wednesdays, 3:30pm-4:15pm | SAC Gym | $40 |
Basketball Clinics | Year 3-6 | Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:15pm | SAC Gym | $40 |
If your daughter is interested in taking part in any of these clinics, please follow the link to nominate by the end of Week 9.
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator
SAC Year 12 Change-makers in Action
Our Year 12 Society and Culture students are the change-makers our world needs! They worked together to build a Social Action lunchtime fair that raised awareness and funds for causes they care about, while sharing their learning with younger students.
"advocates for deaf people, removing social barriers that deaf/hard of hearing people may face. We hope our school community can be more informed about Australian Sign Language, assisting Deaf Australia in making Auslan a nationally recognised and respected language of choice." Eliza, Fatema, Fransine, Jade & Keeral
"This social action task enabled us to educate younger children on the importance of healthy/balanced eating by supporting the . We enjoyed interacting with the students , selling cupcakes and brownies as well as educating them with our fun and interactive put the food in the food group game. Overall, we believe our foundation was a great success and we did a great job educating students from a whole range of year levels." Eloise, Serena, Annaliese and Paige
"Throughout the Social Action task, the group was excited to share support and raise awareness for . This was done by asking individuals to express their own thoughts on respectful actions, in an effort to reinforce respectful behaviours and relationships. The group was extremely thankful and proud of the efforts made by the students to support this foundation." Ruby, Eloise, Natalia, and Jorja

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
University updates
- UniSA campus tours available for the October school holidays:
- Flinders University, new city based campus:
- Flinders University Year 12 entry by grades:
- University of Adelaide information for parents and guardians:
- SATAC - A reminder for Year 12 students
- The initial closing date for SATAC applications is 29th September. Submit your application by this date to avoid a late fee.

A special message for all SAC Old Scholars!
You are warmly invited to our Mercy Day High Tea on Sunday 24 September from 1-3pm in the SAC Undercroft. Tickets are $15 with all proceeds going to Mercy works. RSVP by Friday 15 September - follow this link!