Is your child currently in Reception - Year 9 and enrolled in private music lessons? Then dont miss this fantastic opportunity to see them perform in our R-9 Sunday Soir矇e!
The St 勛圖厙 Music Department are delighted to announce that we will be hosting three concerts on泭Sunday June 25, at 10am, 12:30pm and 3pm. The concerts will feature various instrumental and singing performances from a selection of our private music tuition students. If your child is currently enrolled in private music lessons and is interested in performing at one of the concerts on the day, please discuss this with your childs music tutor or contact the Music Department at泭[email protected]泭泭泭
Acknowledgement of Country

From the Acting Principal

Acting Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Congratulations to the 18 primary students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday evening. Reconciliation teaches the students about healing and forgiveness, symbolising how Jesus redeemed humanity from sin and its consequences by his death and resurrection. This is the first sacrament since Baptism and it was wonderful to celebrate the evening with students and their families in a special ceremony at St Francis Xaviers Cathedral.

We have been in celebration mode the past few weeks as we have been drawn together by significant events, namely Reconciliation Week, Laudato Si Week and SACs very own Arts Week!
The courtyards, classrooms, theatre and art rooms have been abuzz as our SRC, Arts, Drama and Music leaders and members of the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) group have worked with staff to create activities connecting students of all ages.
There has been significant action undertaken by the RAP students and staff throughout 2023 already, and Reconciliation Week was a great opportunity to showcase the work of the group across the year and involve even more students in sharing how we can Be a Voice for Generations.
勛圖厙 has an accredited Reconciliation Action Plan with Narragunnawali and this is something we are proud to share with our community. The plan outlines the relationships, respect and opportunities within the classroom, school and wider community and is wonderfully led by students and staff in the RAP group and ably supported by the Justice and Mercy (JAM) group also.
Please view our Reconciliation Action Plan on our website and to watch some highlights of this year's Reconciliation Week at SAC.

SAC Arts Week had it all!

On the evening of Wednesday 7 June we were proud to host the South Australian launch of the book, The School that Hope Built, authored by old scholar and current Marketing and Communications Team member, Maddie Kelly. The book details the amazing story of Australian woman Gemma Sisia, who founded The School of St Jude in Tanzania in 2002. There was a strong showing of support to hear from Maddie about her experience, and we were fortunate to also welcome Gemma and alumnus and staff member, Enock. The book is a real celebration of humanity and how small beginnings (with a lot of hard work) can create truly amazing experiences.
A real celebration of humanity

Speaking of small beginnings leading to amazing experiences, we are planning to welcome our newest members to the College community as our mid-year Reception students join us for their transition sessions over the next few weeks. Starting proper in Term 3, they will have a few orientation sessions across the next weeks to acclimatise to school life. You are all very welcome!
Things are ramping up with High School Musical rehearsals as production week edges closer. Once again we have an enormous cast ready to perform four shows at the end of July, so make sure you get your tickets now!
To end, best of luck to our senior students who are finalising assessments and preparing for Semester One examinations over the next few weeks. I am sure that your hard work and preparation will give you the confidence to achieve well and I wish you every success.
Mr Nick Tattoli
Acting Principal
From the Catherine McAuley Library

TeacherLibrarian & Information Services
Our junior primary students enjoyed sharing the newly published picture book, Country Tells Us When. Through this beautifully illustrated text, students discovered how the Yawuru people in and around Rubibi (the town of Broome) use the clues Country provides to know when seasons are changing. Our students compared the six seasons experienced around Rubibi to the four seasons experienced here on Kaurna Country. They enjoyed reflecting on activities they enjoy participating in during each season and used their ideas to create a colourful mural.
It may still be a term away, but we are looking forward to Book Week 2023! Classes have already begun sharing some texts from the shortlists and anticipating which book will win each category. Over the next few weeks, well all choose our personal favourites as we read the shortlisted books together. In anticipation of decorating the library to fit the 2023 theme of Read. Grow. Inspire, weve had students from across year levels help out during lunch to create elements of displays. It has been great to see students sharing fun and creativity together.

The Writers Group has continued to offer poetry writing workshops for primary students this term. These are valuable opportunities for our senior students to prepare sessions, writing prompts and technique demonstrations, and for our junior students to feel inspired and supported in their writing. The sessions have been very well received and appreciated. The written results are outstanding and are a credit to both our student facilitators and participants.
Ms Ali Ripberger
TeacherLibrarian & Information Services Coordinator

Be A Voice for Generations National Reconciliation Week 2023
Mercy Light: Connecting
The arc of moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.
These words were first spoken by the late Dr Martin Luther King Junior, an American pastor and Civil Rights Activist who, in the 1960s, proclaimed his dream for racial equity in the United States.
His words have not only lived far beyond his lifetime but have been reiterated by campaigners all over the world ever since.
At the 2023 National Reconciliation Week Breakfast on May 26, Australias National Sorry Day, SAC students heard these words first-hand from Karen Mundine, Chief Executive Officer of Reconciliation Australia.
Nine students attended the breakfast, accompanied by First Nations Focus Teacher, Ms Viviana Graney and Maja Tongerie, First Nations Support Educator.

National Reconciliation Week is held each year between 27 May and June 3. The theme for National Reconciliation Week this year is Be A Voice For Generations. Reconciliation Australia, the campaigns host organisation, chose this theme to, encourage all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives where we live, work and socialise.
One tangible way for organisations and schools to do this is to implement a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
勛圖厙 has a RAP, which you can read here. This section of our website will be home to all news and updates regarding our First Nations activities and a celebration of our continued commitment to reconciliation. Our RAP Committee meets regularly throughout the year and includes students, staff and parents from our school community.
Opportunities for students to engage with First Nations led activities, such as the National Reconciliation Week breakfast, help them to deepen their understanding of culture and the history that has led to a need for reconciliation.
Alexis, a Year 11 student who attended the breakfast and who later this year will be visiting the Pipalyatjara community in the APY Lands, said:
I was honoured to be able to attend the National Reconciliation Week along with the other members of the Trip to Pipalyatjara group. We had the opportunity to listen to multiple First Nations leaders and role models and hear about their experiences. It was inspiring to see so many Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians gather so early in the morning to honour National Sorry Day, recognising our history and moving forward together as a reconciled nation.
Alexis summary highlights an important message that acknowledging the past is how we can progress.
Reconciliation Week activities were launched on National Sorry Day, May 26, with all students invited to respond to a question in line with the theme of the National Reconciliation Week theme: How can I be a voice for reconciliation?

Written and illustrated responses from students of all ages were displayed on walls and windows around the school campus. It is inspiring to see so many insightful reflections, and an eagerness to continue learning from First Nations peoples.
On Friday June 2, students participated in an activity led by First Nations organisation, Childrens Ground, called Wear It Yellow Day. For a gold coin donation, students were encouraged to wear yellow accessories to school and purchase a yellow ribbon to pin to their school uniform. Why wear yellow? To symbolise a brighter future for First Nations children. The money raised will support Childrens Ground projects in Australia.

As mentioned, later this year, nine students from SAC will visit Pipalyatjara, a remote community in north-west South Australia. A group of Duke of Edinburgh Award participants will also visit the Tiwi Islands. For 13 years, the College has sustained a connection with these communities. While SAC has gifted them material support, their communities have enriched students and staff with a wealth of knowledge and a deeper appreciation for land and culture.
As Dr King said, and Karen Mundine echoed, the arc of moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.
Something cannot bend without a force against it, and it is the great force for understanding and community that is bending the arc towards not just justice, but reconciliation, at 勛圖厙.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team
Lowitja O'Donaghue Oration
Six Year 12 students had the opportunity to hear Prime Minister Anthony Albanese deliver the 2023 Lowitja O'Donaghue Oration. The annual Oration seeks to highlight vital issues for Australias Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This is the first time a sitting Prime Minister was invited to deliver the Oration, which gives voice to issues of equity and equality for Australias First Peoples. Right now, these issues are more important and pertinent than ever, as Australians prepare to vote in a referendum to change the future for Aboriginal people now and for generations to come.
Ms Elizabeth Boylan
Faith and Mission Coordinator
2023 Australian Mathematics Competition for Year 7-12 Students

Your daughter is invited to take part in the 2023 Australian Mathematics Competition. This competition will be completed on Thursday 3 August 2023 (Term 3, Week 2).
The entry fee is $8.00 per student.
Further information on the competition can be found on the Australian Mathematics Trust website ().
Participation in this activity is optional. If you would like your daughter to take part in this assessment, please pay online by clicking on the following link:
Online payment must be made by Thursday 22 June (Term 2, Week 8).
Ms Nicoletta Romanelli
Mathematics Coordinator

The da Vinci Decathlon

The da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge students with a particular emphasis on higher order thinking skills, problem solving and creativity. Students compete in teams of eight across ten disciplines: engineering, mathematics, code breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography, and legacy.
This year, 勛圖厙 (SAC) enthusiastically entered two teams. The Year 5-6 team, guided by Ms Graney and Ms Cronin, showcased their abilities, while the Year 9 team, under the guidance of Mr Cotton and Ms Schonberger, brought their own unique strengths. Prior to the competition, both teams diligently met to enhance their teamwork skills and become well-versed in the different categories of the competition.
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary Coordinator (Teaching & Learning)
Mr Tom Cotton
Digital Technologies Coordinator
With a total of 24 competing teams in the Year 5/6 division, the St 勛圖厙 team demonstrated their competitiveness across all disciplines, leaving a remarkable impression.
- Engineering: 2nd place
- Art and Poetry: 3rd place
- Maths: 3rd place
- Ideation: 3rd place
- Cartography: 4th
- Overall: 4th
YEAR 5 & 6 Students Reflected together:
What was the most challenging aspect of the day?
"Collaborating and finding solutions in a short time frame."
Which area did you feel most confident in and why?
"Engineering because we enjoyed making the model and doing something creative and hands on."
What was the benefit in working as a team?
"Youre not alone, you can share ideas and you can talk through difficult questions. Sometimes others in the group were able to look at something with fresh eyes and see the solution straight away."

The Year 9 team competed strongly against the other schools and achieved some great results. The girls worked hard as a team and had a great time.
Year 9 Placings
- Ideation: 4th
- Art and Poetry: 2nd
- English: 1st
YEAR 9 Students Reflected:
What was the best part about the day?
"Getting to compete with other schools and answer questions and be exposed to knowledge I normally wouldnt be exposed to." Olivia McLeod 9KS
"Working with my teammates and being able to compete in some intense tests of knowledge was a great challenge." Alice Kearins 9KS
SACs Charter Ambassadors
Prevention of Violence in Schools at the Sanctuary, Adelaide Zoo
Recently, a group of SACs Charter Ambassadors attended a Summit on the Prevention of Violence in Schools at the Sanctuary, Adelaide Zoo. Students shared their ideas about methods to prevent violence in schools and worked collaboratively to create a list of recommendations to the Minister. Students then presented their list of recommendations to Blair Boyer, Minister for Education.
Ms Mia Konopka
JAM Support Coordinator

SAC Chess Club

Throughout this term, Year 4-6 students have been welcomed to join the SAC Primary Chess Club during Monday lunchtimes. It's been great to see over 38 eager students engaging in the game and learning new skills. Starting in Term 3 there will be an intra-school tournament held on Mondays too. A group of 16 primary students are also competing in the C Grade Interschool Competition held at St Peters Boys College. With a few more rounds to go, we wish our students all the best and good luck in this competition!
Mrs Inge Wishart
Year 6 Teacher and Chess Club Coordinator

Focus and concentration at the C Grade Interschool Competition at St Peters Boys College

Year 10 Drama Night!
The Year 10s performed four plays as part of their Drama Night: Check Please, Lockdown, A Mid-Summer Nights Dream and Little Women 2. The students all performed brilliantly and certainly rose to the occasion. Many thanks to the supportive audience of parents, friends and staff.
Mr Tom Coultas & Ms Lucy Newton
Drama Teachers

'Zero for the Young Dudes' - Year 12 Drama Production

The talented Year 12 Drama class performed Zero for the Young Dudes to a warm and receptive audience. The play written by Alistair McDowall follows the journey of a group of inmates at a bizarre summer camp who are plotting a revolution. Spending a day watching their schedule of exercise, lessons and meals, a long history of unrest and injustice lies hidden, and as the day wears on, an uncertain future looms large on the horizon. The students certainly rose to the moment and performed amazingly on both nights. Congratulations to the students involved.
Mr Tom Coultas
Drama Coordinator

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
7/8 knockout - CONGRATULATIONS!
Our Year 7/8 knockout basketball team conquered Sacred Heart College this week in an absolute nailbiter for Round 1 of the Division 1 statewide schools basketball competition. It was a full team effort, with relentless defensive pressure getting the girls over the line by only a point at full time! A special thanks to superstar Coach Ms Casserly-Lund. We look forward to seeing this group progress and develop as a team. Stay tuned for results from finals in Week 9!

volleyball & NETBALL (YEAR 7/8 & 9/10)
Our 9/10 volleyball, 9/10 netball & 7/8 netball teams also competed this week in their first-round matches but unfortunately wont be progressing through to the next round. A big thanks to coaches Ms Courtney Kerr, Ms Rachel Grawich and old scholar Maddy Homes-Vickers for their efforts in lead up.泭
Amazing effort from our Year 9/10 volleyball & netball teams and our Year 7/8 netball team!

Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator
From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator

Motor Trade Association are holding an open day on Tuesday 1st August from 10am 2pm at their Automotive Skills and Careers Centre -3 Frederick Road, Royal Park. Registration required.
Learn about a career in automotive: Vehicle painting, body repair, vehicle diagnostics, tire repair, diesel engine shutdown and more!

This webinar is designed to answer questions frequently asked by parents, such as:
- How can I support my child if they are undecided about what they want to do?
- What is university like compared to high school?
- How does my child get into university?
- What if my child doesnt receive an offer?
- What else do I need to know about university?
Registration is required for this event.
Save the dates for University Open Days!

- City West and City East Campus: Sunday 13 August
- Mount Gambier Campus: Sunday 6August
- Mawson Lakes Campus: Sunday 27 August
- Whyalla Campus: Sunday 27 August
- Magill Campus: Wednesday 30 August
Were busy planning your all access pass, so you can explore where a UniSA degree can take you.
Join us on campus in 2023 to hear from experts, take a tour, meet staff and students, get some career advice and help with your application.

Sunday 13泭August - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Join us on our North Terrace campus for
Speak with academics, staff and current students about studying with us and where our degrees can take you and your career.泭

Explore your career options, talk to our talented academics, get inspired with hands-on experiences and soak up the vibes at our stunning Bedford Park campus or our brand new, cutting-edge Festival Plaza CBD campus.
Speak one-on-one with other students, advisors and lecturers and uncover all the benefits that studying at Flinders has to offer. There are information sessions on different career and study areas, interactive activities and demonstrations ranging from the science behind a murder scene to uncovering what a sharks last meal was.
Open Days are fun, exciting and your first step towards your future career.