Only a few more days to go for our SAC Annual Can Drive! Can we beat last year's record?
Its the last chance to bring your canned goods and help us make a bigger impact in our community.
All the cans collected go directly to the Adelaide Day Centre for distribution to those in need. Every can counts!

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Year 10 and 11 students have just completed their midyear exams, bringing Semester 1 to a close. Whilst not all subjects involve exams, it is still important that we give students the chance to develop study skills and confidence to tackle exams in the senior secondary years. I am impressed by the maturity with which the students engaged in the exams, especially Year 10 students as this was their first time. I know that teachers will support students to make the most of the exams as a learning opportunity.
This week we welcomed our new Reception students for their first Orientation visit. The group transitioned beautifully from their parents to the care of Ms Jessica Grohs and Ms Nadia Fimiani, two experienced early years teachers who will no doubt ensure that their first semester of school life is full of fun, learning and friendship. We thank the 12 families who have chosen 勛圖厙 for their daughters, and we look forward to many years working together to support their flourishing.

At SAC, we have established a Staff Wellbeing Working Party this year to bring to life some ideas that emerged from our professional learning with Sue Chandler from Transformative Schools. Sue worked with focus groups of staff last November, and then the whole staff in January, to explore ideas about wellbeing at work and to help us to establish a Staff Wellbeing Framework. This framework is currently being developed and will allow us to implement changes that support staff wellbeing in order to improve learning outcomes for our students.

Learn more at:
The first issue we have tackled as a working party is the Work Completion Guidelines. Our aim is to support the consistent implementation of the guidelines to ensure that students, families and staff have clear and consistent expectations around submission of work. The guidelines state: Students are responsible for completing and submitting work on or before the due dates. We understand that as parents/caregivers and educators, we also have responsibilities in supporting our young people to meet this expectation.
As a member of the working party, I want to remind parents and caregivers of their responsibilities as articulated in the guidelines, in the hope that we are all working together to ensure fair and equitable assessment protocols for all students:
- Parents/Caregivers are required to provide notes (via the student diary, email or SMS) for absences, requests for extensions and medical certificates for frequent or extended absences. Parents/Caregivers may be asked to attend meetings at school to work with staff to support students to address issues around work completion and implement strategies and supports.
We know how important this proactive communication between parents/caregivers and subject teachers is and we ask for your cooperation to support teachers in their work. We welcome any feedback on the Work Completion Guidelines that may help us to lead further improvement in assessment at the College.
The renovation of the Year 7 classrooms in the Judith Redden Centre is almost complete and we look forward to seeing Year 7 students and staff making it their home in the next fortnight. We thank Michael and the Design team from Details Studio, as well as Eddie and his team from INCA, whose creativity and skills have brought these learning spaces to life in new ways. Of course, our SAC Maintenance and IT teams have also been integral to the success of this project, and we know that students will appreciate the improvements in these spaces.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Exciting Classroom Upgrades
The Year 7 Spaces are ready for the new term!

The da Vinci Decathlon
A different type of decathlon
Picture a fierce intellectual battleground, where highlighters replace javelins and calculators step in for shot puts. Welcome to the da Vinci Decathlon! In this intellectual clash, student teams go head-to-head across ten disciplines: engineering, Mathematics, code breaking, art and poetry, Science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography and legacy.
The da Vinci Decathlon is not just a competition; it's a platform that celebrates the academic gifts of Australian students. It's a challenge and catalyst for students to apply and hone their higher-order thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.
This year St 勛圖厙 entered two teams, one in the 5/6 division and one in the Year 9 division. Both teams performed admirably, demonstrating persistence and inquisitiveness as they attempted to interpret and solve the problems presented to them.
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary Coordinator (Teaching & Learning)

Finding Freedom, Seeking Hope - Refugee Week 2024
Mercy Light: Connecting

A quick internet search of the word hospitality will deliver this definition or similar: "The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers; the business of providing food, drink and accommodation."
Hospitality, in its context as one of 勛圖厙s core values, invites us to welcome others with the same spirit of Mercy that Catherine McAuley did during her lifetime, which was nearly 200 years ago. It is as needed and as relevant today. The people Catherine extended the warmest welcome to were those persecuted by social, environmental, religious and economic prejudices.
Hospitality in the context of Mercy means much more than simple gestures of friendliness, generosity or entertainment and its certainly more than an offering of food or drink. Mercy Hospitality nourishes mind and soul, extending a spirit of welcome, compassion and hope to all in need. It offers a sense of belonging to a vibrant, diverse and kind community. Being a Mercy school, SACs history of welcoming the stranger is a long and proud one.
Refugee Week, recognised each year worldwide, is an opportunity for SAC to celebrate the resilience, courage and hope demonstrated by those forced to flee their home country or escape conflict and persecution, and especially those who belong to our own community. Held between June 16 and June 22 this year, SAC students with a particular interest in supporting refugees and asylum seekers, and learning about the issues they face, led several activities that promoted awareness, conversation, creativity and reflection.
In collaboration with people who have lived experience as refugees and asylum seekers and others who work in this space as supporters and advocates, students and staff in the Justice and Mercy (JAM) Group organised these engaging initiatives.

Two symbols, being a kite and a backpack, were thoughtfully chosen to reflect the theme of Refugee Week 2024. The kite represents freedom and hope, and the backpack represents courage and empathy.
Dialogue and story-sharing were at the fore. On the evening of Wednesday 19 June, five JAM students and several staff attended a public forum hosted by Justice For Refugees SA and Circle of Friends at the Effective Living Centre in Hyde Park. At this event, an SAC Old Scholar and her mother bravely shared part of their story of coming to Australia, having fled persecution in their home country, and some of the challenges theyve faced resettling in Australia. Both women expressed deep gratitude for care and support their family has received in Adelaide from a number of community groups, including 勛圖厙. In the mothers words: We were told that we would never be able to stay in Australia, but I hope to have secure permanent residency or citizenship, ensuring stability for my family and me. Australia is now my home; its where my heart is. Mother and daughter expressed their gratitude for girls education, with our Old Scholar sharing her dream to one day serve our community as a nurse.

This event was followed on Jun 20th with World Refugee Day. Sister of Mercy and Senior South Australian of the Year, Meredith Evans was the one who invited SAC students and staff to attend the public forum, and generously gave of her time to visit SAC and facilitate a conversation about it with the JAM group. Meredith encouraged the students who attended to share their reflections.
Year 12 JAM Co-Leader, Caitlin Surynt, voiced admiration for individuals, like Meredith, who work voluntarily at grassroots level as advocates for displaced peoples.
I was inspired to hear about people who had written letters to Immigration [department] when they were moved by the story of one particular family seeking asylum. They sent so many letters that they were eventually listened to by the right people and their simple actions had an impact, and that family was able to come to Australia, Caitlin shared.
Grace Campbell, Year 12 JAM Co-Leader, wholeheartedly agreed.
The idea of people in Australia coming together to support a family in need from the other side of the world, and bring them to safety in our country - the pure generosity of people, and the compassion - was very inspiring,
Meredith was encouraged by these insights, reiterating ,The message here is very clear: dont ever give up and think, well, Im just one person so what can I do? We can all sit around with our hands in our laps thinking this is a terrible situation. But we are called to help and try to make a difference.
This is the essence of Mercy. When Foundress, Catherine McAuley, first begun her work in Dublin, she walked with the people in need, gave care and comfort, and importantly, she was a present listener to their needs, their stories. Then, she offered practical support, in any way that she could. Mercy calls us all to act. Hospitality - which starts with something as simple as a smile - is a significant first step.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team | JAM Coordinator

Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning in SACE Stage 1
Edmund Rice Holiday Camps: Alana gagliardi
For over 10 years, SAC students and Old Sholars have been involved with Edmund Rice Community Services, volunteering as leaders on holiday camps for children who have experienced adversity. Edmund Rice Camps SA has a 30-year history of gifting countless children and volunteers with priceless memories and rich bonds. Old Scholar, Alana Gagliardi, visited SAC recently to speak to our Year 11s about her experience as an Edmund Rice Camp volunteer, and has inspired many of them to get involved! We are proud to be so closely linked with an organisation that does wonderful work to support young people.

Treasure Boxes: Rikki Jackson and Tammy Rees
Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning is a SACE Stage 1 subject undertaken by all Year 11 students. Students consider how spiritualities and religions shape an understanding of community and foster mutual respect, service, and advocacy for justice and the common good.
This term, Year 11 students have listened to a range of speakers describing the work they do to support individuals and families in need of practical help and support.
Sr Meredith Evans and Caitlin Lawrie spoke about the ways in which Mercy Links offers friendship and hospitality to refugee families in South Australia by hosting community events and connecting them with appropriate services. Similarly, Rikki Jackson and Tammy Rees described the work of Treasure Boxes, a South Australian childrens not-for-profit. It provides vital essentials to babies, children and teens living in disadvantage in our community.

Thanh, Retha, Tammy Rees, Rikki Jackson, Clodeta, Harnaaz and Zahra
The students relfected:
"Tammy and Ricky have truly illuminated the countless opportunities we have to help those in need within our community. Their inspiration has driven me to explore numerous ways to contribute and be part of something positive. Their mission has ignited my dedication to serving humanity, ensuring that there is a way for me to make a difference. While I am deeply moved by the heartbreaking situation of the Palestinians and unsure where to start, they have made me realise that volunteering to pack treasure boxes with essential necessities for Gaza refugees is a way to make a difference and show them love, kindness, and support in their crucial time." - Zahra Irfani
"These presentations have opened my eyes, allowing me to see that there are endless opportunities to help others. They presented us with so much new and shocking Australian statistics which indicated that there was still so much to be done, in terms of helping those who are vulnerable and have no one to run to. We are extremely appreciative of the guest speakers who took their time to come speak to us." - Clodeta Twagirimana
Shark Tank Panel
Business Students develop innovative startups
Year 11 Business Innovation students have been working creatively and strategically to develop their own startups. Students conducted market research and developed prototypes to test the viability of their products. Over the past week, theyve had the exciting opportunity to pitch their finalised business idea to a panel of investors (teachers) in the style of popular TV show, Shark Tank.
Ms Kiara Schonberger
Business Innovation Teacher

Walking in Their Boots: Year 9's Immersive WWI History Journey
In Year 9 History, students have been learning about World War One and Australias involvement in the conflict. Last week, students visited the Army Museum of South Australia, where they explored WWI exhibits and the equipment used by the soldiers. This immersive activity helped students gain insights into the soldiers experiences, their challenges, and their resilience.

The Students reflected:
On Wednesday week 5, my class got the opportunity to visit the Army Museum and learn more about World War 1. We got to see the food that the soldiers ate, the backpacks and uniforms they wore and even the different tanks they used. It was interesting to see the different display at the museum and get a visual perspective of how the trenches looked. Saachi Sooraj (9KS)
I really enjoyed our excursion because we got to see what they would wear in the wars and what it was like living in the war. Jemima Skinner (9KS)
We enjoyed the scavenger hunt and asking the volunteers questions.泭 Capri, Amel and April (9AB)
The trip to the army museum was interesting and a once in a lifetime opportunity to see what the soldiers from World War 1 experienced. We enjoyed the interactive information buttons. Lily, Lidia, Emilia and Gabrielle (9AB)
From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
reflecting on Forgiveness: Students Celebrate Their First Reconciliation at St Francis Xavier's Cathedral
Over the past few months, students have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation by reflecting on the importance of forgiveness, examining their actions, and understanding the impact of their choices. With the guidance of their parents, teachers, and our parish community, they have engaged in meaningful discussions and activities. A special thank you to Fr James and Fr Matthew for taking this journey of Reconciliation with our school community.
On Wednesday 19泭June, 14 students celebrated their First Reconciliation at St Francis Xavier's Cathedral. This special occasion is a significant milestone in students spiritual growth and deepening relationship with God. Congratulations to the students on this special moment in their faith journey and a warm thank you to the parents, families, and all those who have supported and nurtured the students throughout their preparation for this sacrament.
Ms Isabella Deluca
Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Year 3 Students Explore Street Art

On Wednesday 19 June, Year 3 students set out on a walk through the city streets to explore different street art. They were able to see a diverse range of murals, along with some graffiti and identify whether they used positive or negative space. Students then created their own sketches and drawings inspired by the street art they had seen.
"It was interesting to see all the types of artwork and whether it was art or graffiti and if it was allowed or not." - Leni Feliciotto
"I liked seeing if the artists used negative or positive space and the different colours they used." - Poppy O'Grady
"I liked seeing the other artists' work and then making our own back at school." - Ava Harris

Year 8 Camp - Unleashing Team Spirit and Skills at Wirraway Homestead
Over the course of three days and two nights, our Year 8 students were fully immersed in a variety of activities at Wirraway Homestead in Strathalbyn. They connected with nature on bushwalks, learning about local flora and fauna, and embraced farm life with sheep herding, understanding the value of teamwork and communication. The students also enjoyed horse riding and grooming, gaining insights into equestrian care while forming special bonds with the horses. Team games brought everyone together, challenging them with activities that fostered cooperation and strategic thinking. Archery was another activity where students practiced their focus and precision, learning valuable skills of concentration and self-discipline. The camp was not only a break from routine but an experience that contributed to their education and personal development. We are proud of our students enthusiasm to work together and challenge themselves.
Ms Lisa McLaughlin
Year 8 Coordinator

Year 9's Day of Celebrating Creation
"The Year 9 Retreat, 'Celebrating Creation,' was a great experience and an opportunity to relax and take a break from schoolwork and assignments. The retreat gave us the chance to connect and socialise with our peers in a place outside of school, whilst unwinding in a peaceful environment. During the day, we had the chance to participate in various activities, including yoga, meditation and art. My favourite was The Cosmic Walk, which set the scene for the day. It is a prayer activity evoking the deep mystery of our unfolding universe and our place in it.
The activities during the day gave us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and the beauty of nature by which we are surrounded at Nunyara. For example, in art we were encouraged to take inspiration from the outside gardens and trees, deepening our understanding of our relationship with the earth. In meditation we were asked to think about Gods creations and visualize our thoughts through an activity by placing seeds in patterns, symbolizing our hopes, our gifts, our intentions. Lastly, Yoga allowed us to fully unwind by giving our bodies a time to untangle and our minds a chance to relax. Overall, the retreat gave us a chance for personal reflection and to wind down nearing the end of term."
Year 9 students Macey, Ciena, and Maia

If Your Honour pleases We are in the semi-finals!
A group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students have been fine-tuning their legal thinking and argument skills since March to participate in the South Australian Law Society Mock Trial competition. A Mock Trial is a simulated court case in which the participating student teams contest a fictional legal matter in a mock Court.
St 勛圖厙 was one of 16 teams this year and in order to reach the semi-final, the girls defeated very strong teams from Unley High School, Loreto College and Walford Anglican School for Girls to finish in first position! The semi-finals will take place in August.
In the first case, SAC presented evidence for the prosecution in relation to a break and enter charge, in the second case, SAC were the defence and successfully defended the accused of disorderly or offensive behaviour, and in the final round, the girls successfully argued for the respondent in a very tricky civil dispute relating to a promise made about the ownership of land.
The team consists of 2 barristers, 2 solicitors, 2 witnesses and a Sheriffs officer/Judges Associate. Daniela Bagnato (Year 12), Alice Kearins (Year 10) and Cheyanne Sulaimany (Year 10) shared the role of barristers. Poppy Martin, Veronica Keane, Darcy Johnston, Chinoney Ojimba, Mackenzie Freer (Year 11) and Sienna DArcy (Year 10) played the role of witnesses, and together with Marina Monydeng (Year 11) and Erin Schofield (Year 10) as solicitors (other team members assisted as solicitors also) and Ellena Lay (Year 11) as Judges Associate & Sheriffs Officer, the girls prepared and presented very persuasive arguments to defeat their opponents.泭
We thank old scholar, Jade Rapson, who is now working as a solicitor for the SA Government for helping the team make sense of the law, and Ms Sarunic for assisting the students in their preparation for each case.
"I have enjoyed meeting like-minded individuals who are also interested in legal cases. As a team, we have worked collaboratively on the cases, allowing for every member (no matter how active their role) to have an understanding of the cases we are participating in and how our team plans to approach them. Mock Trial has given me more confidence in my ability to apply legal terminology and concepts, allowing me to put what I learn in my Legal Studies lessons into practice." Daniela B Barrister/Solicitor
Ms Lucyna Zwolski
Legal Studies Teacher and Mock-Trial Coach

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Webinar for Year 12 students
Navigating your post-school plans with confidence
Wednesday 24 July, 4:30pm (AEST)
Presenter: Dr Michael Healy
School is such a big part of your life; you might have mixed feelings as you approach the end of it. You might be excited about your next steps. But its okay if youre not sure about your post-school plans or feeling a bit anxious or overwhelmed about it all.
In this webinar, youll hear about six simple ideas that will help you think about your future with confidence. Some of them might surprise you!
- Different kinds of post-school pathways.
- Why its OK if you dont know what you want to do.
- Why its OK to change your mind.
- Why ATAR might not be as important as you think.
- How to research your options.
- Who to talk to for help.
If you cant make it to the live webinar, register anyway and the recording will be sent to you to watch later.
: or click on the image above to register for other available Webinars
Adelaide University prepares to take flight
With the merge of the University of Adelaide and UniSA, the newly created Adelaide University has received registration from the Commonwealth as an Australian University higher education provider. This is a significant step in the regulatory process as preparations are made to launch the new university.
Adelaide University are currently working on detailed curriculum design for the new suite of programs, aligned to industry and enterprise and strong graduate outcomes. They are also in the final stages of developing their new brand, which they look forward to unveiling in-line with their Go to Market milestone. This will see them leaning into their legacies, while becoming an unparalleled force for future generations of learners and talented researchers.
Next steps
In the meantime, it is important to remember that the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide will continue to operate separately and there are no changes for 2024 and 2025 entry at the respective institutions. Applications to study at the new Adelaide University from 2026 will open locally from mid-2025.
More detailed information will be shared with you over the coming months.
Read more about the upcoming Careers Expo on Sunday 30 June:

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
Senior Music Evening
The Music Department recently hosted the 2024 Senior Music Evening, showcasing the remarkable talents of the Years 10-12 students who are undertaking Music as a subject. The evening was a wonderful blend of solo performances and group collaborations, with each act demonstrating the dedication and passion our students have for music.
The audience was treated to a diverse range of solo repertoire, highlighting the individual skills of our musicians. The small group performances from the Year 10 students were equally impressive, as students combined their talents to present high quality performances.
A special highlight of the evening was the original compositions presented by the Year 12 Music Explorations students. These pieces were not only a testament to the students' creativity but also to their ability to convey emotion and story through music.

Year 7 Band Program Concert
In contrast to the seasoned performers of the Senior Music Evening, the Year 7 Band Program Concert was a vibrant display of our younger musicians' growth. Throughout Semester 1, these students have been immersed in learning a woodwind or brass instrument, receiving expert guidance from specialist instrumental tutors.
Their hard work culminated in a performance for family and friends to showcase their efforts. The concert provided a platform for the Year 7 students to demonstrate the skills they've honed over the semester, with small group performances, as well as each class forming an ensemble that played with confidence and energy.
The finale was an enthusiastic rendition of Power Rock by all six classes, uniting to produce an awe-inspiring sound that resonated throughout the McAuley Auditorium. Additionally, the Middle School Concert Band delivered an energetic performance of Happy to get everyones toes tapping.
We extend our congratulations to all the students who performed on the evening and thank the Music staff and instrumental tutors who worked with the students in preparation for the evening.
We are now looking forward to the Sunday Soir矇e concerts on June 30, where we will hear performances from our private instrumental and vocal students!

Student achievement in Music Gauree Rawat
In May, Gauree participated in the 12 Years and Under LOTE Solo & Any Voice Solo Categories at the Adelaide Eisteddfods and achieved awards in both sections. She was awarded 3rd place in the LOTE solo (Language Other Than English) and received an Honourable Mention in the Any Voice Solo category, singing in English. Congratulations Gauree!

Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator
Happy World Music Day!
Today, on June 21st, World Music Day, we join the global celebration of music with a snapshot of recent Music Department events. Performances in the last few weeks have included the Senior Music Evening, which showcased the incredible talents of our senior students, and the Year 7 Band Program Concert, which brought to the stage the fresh sounds of our newest musicians, leaving us in awe of their potential. This week, students in the Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir participated in the Hub Assessment, held at SAC, and we look forward to hearing it all come together for the CSMF at the end of Term 3!
Lets keep the music playing and our spirits soaring. Happy World Music Day!
Lets keep the music playing and our spirits soaring. Happy World Music Day!

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
SQUASH programs
Throughout Term 2, Year 6 students have been participating in squash lessons at Next Generation. They have worked hard on their serve, forehand, backhand, movement around the court as well as learning the rules of squash. They have enjoyed developing their skills in a new sport and we have had some great rallies throughout the sessions. Thank you to Lucas from Squash SA for facilitating the introductory sessions.

If your child is interested in giving squash a go either after school or at a school holiday program, please see the flyers below.

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Secondary Sport Reminders
We have now come to the halfway point of the winter season, with round 6 taking place this week across AFL, badminton, soccer and netball fixtures.
As we adjust to those cooler mornings, please keep in mind that trainings begin at 7:40am on weekdays, and that all students should be arriving 15 minutes prior to match start time on weekends. Any support from home with getting students to games promptly is greatly appreciated.
It is also an expectation that all students wear full and correct SAC sport uniform to their games, which includes their specific game attire and SAC jumper, jackets, shorts and/or tracksuits only when travelling to/from games. This excludes puffer jackets, club sport wear and non-SAC hoodies.
After this weekend, there is one more game remaining until school holidays. A reminder that no trainings or games are scheduled in Week 10 or during the school holidays. We will recommence in Week 1, Term 3 for round 8.

Knockout Sport
Our Year 7/8 Knockout Basketball team competed in their Division 1 Statewide Schools competition this week against Immanuel College, Cabra College & St Michaels College. The girls had a strong win over Immanuel in the first game, but unfortunately fell short to Cabra (5 pts) & St Michaels (15 pts) in the final two matches. The girls put together some great runs on both ends of the court but unfortunately came up short.
A big thanks to our coaches Mr Jacob Dickson and Aaron Casey for their guidance and expertise in lead up and on gameplay.
The team have been invited to continue training with the senior girls squad to assist in preparations for their round 1 competition in term 3, with two of our 7/8 girls being brought up to play with this side.

Our 7/8, 9/10 & 11/12 netball teams and Open Soccer team are all due to compete in their round 1 competitions over the next few weeks so stay tuned for results!

Sporting Spotlight
A big congratulations to year 12 student, Molly for being selected in the 2023 SA Heat Touch Football South Australia U18 Girls travelling team. Molly will be representing South Australia in Coffs Harbour in the National Youth Championships in September of this year. We look forward to sharing the results of Molly and her SA Heat Team.

Celebrating Unity: OSHC Students Embrace National Reconciliation Week
During Week 5, students in OSHC explored the meaning of National Reconciliation Week through a number of activities. Students from Reception to Year 6 contributed to painting and colouring in some native pieces to be displayed in the OSHC centre. Students learnt about the shared history, culture and achievements of Australia and explored how each of us can contribute to create a world of Reconciliation.
Students continued learning about the importance of Reconciliation during Week 6, where girls in all year levels contributed to making a friendship chain that is displayed in the OSHC centre as a representation of our unity to one another. Students wrote down someone special in their life onto a slip of paper and decorated it so that it could be added to the chain. The friendship chain started off small at the beginning of the week but grew longer as the students continued to add more and more special people. Once completed, students read messages about all of the loved people within our community!
Ms Poppy Skingsley
OSHC Staff

Amazing opportunities at the All Stars SA, Golden Gunz!
Between the 13th and the 24th of May, six SAC students travelled to Honolulu, Hawaii to compete in a cheerleading competition. They represented Outlaws All Stars SA, Golden Gunz. The students who were involved were
- Paige Halligan (Year 4)
- Grace Halligan (Year 5)
- Ruby Sarkanen (Year 5)
- Tiana Stefanovic (Year 8)
- Anna OGrady (Year 9)
- Bermuda Nicholls (Year 10)
Golden Gunz placed 2nd in the Junior Level 1 division and 3rd in the whole of Level 1.
"Even though we travelled to compete we still had opportunities to participate in other activities such as going to Wet N Wild, Hawaiian Luaus and had a lot of fun. We spent plenty of time shopping, swimming and going to beaches.泭 Overall, it was an experience that we wont forget." - Grace and Ruby 5NP

SAC students Anna (Year 9), Bermuda (Year 10), Paige (Year 4), Tiana (Year 8), Ruby (Year 5) and Grace (Year 5)

From L to R: Grace and Paige
Support the Cambodia/Laos Cultural Immersion Mercy Mission
Have a positive impact! Help build the resourcefulness and leadership skills of the next generation, while improving the quality of life for Cambodian families and homeless.
SAC is sending some of its future leaders to Cambodia and Laos to volunteer their time to understand the developing world through the eyes of the poor and displaced.

Why are we going?
Our Mercy Mission involves cultural interactions with people from the run by Sister Denise and completing tasks such as painting, construction, refurbishment, teaching, and agricultural work to help support the work of the centre.泭 It is an opportunity to help a community with projects that will improve their quality of life.
In this process, we will learn new skills, and immerse ourselves in cultural experiences. This will include trying new foods, visiting cultural sites and learning a new way of living in a developing country.
We will also be planning the itinerary, raising funds, coordinating transport and accommodation, establishing work groups and managing team finances.
What this means to us:
This will be a trip of a lifetime that pushes us to learn beyond the classroom walls. - Alicia
We are excited to travel to the Metta Kaarana Reflection Centre run by Sister Denise and help her to support struggling refugees and local people to improve their lives. - Madison
Travelling to Cambodia and Laos aligns with the Mercy Vision and Values of SAC.泭 We want to help people have a better life, even if it means building latrines at the back of their local school. - Grace
How can you help?
We are fund raising to help us purchase various necessities vital to enable us to make a difference in helping our host community.
We are already in the process of planning fundraisers such as quiz nights, in school bake sales, sausage sizzles, and movie nights. Any donations for these events are very welcome including:
- Wine for the wine wall at the quiz night
- Donations for the Quiz night silent auction
- Prizes for games and other activities
We are also asking corporate sponsors to help fund our Mercy Mission. We have three kinds of sponsorship deals.
Gold sponsorship ($2,000 or equivalent donation)
Brand promotion and advertising, including:
- Sponsor Logo on all Event Advertising
- Sponsor Signage at the Event
- Sponsor story in School Newsletter reaching the families of 1,000 students
- A two-minute welcome to the Quiz Night (to be attended by up to 300 people) tell your story and welcome attendees.
Plus, one free table at the quiz night!
Silver sponsorship ($1000 or equivalent donation)
Brand promotion and advertising, including:
- Sponsor Logo on all Event Advertising
- Sponsor Signage at the Event
- Sponsor story in School Newsletter reaching the families of 1,000 students
Bronze Sponsorship ($500 or equivalent donation)
Brand promotion and advertising, including:
- Sponsor Signage at the Event
- Sponsor story in School Newsletter reaching the families of 1,000 students
If interested in any deals, please contact: Mr Alan Brown via email: [email protected] or phone number: 82173262 (school hours)

Slow Fashion Market - Monday 24 June (Week 9) at lunchtime in the Jordan Courtyard
All students are invited to come along and purchase an item of clothing ($5) or accessories ($2)
Did you know that fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world, or that 87% of materials used to make clothing end up in landfill? That's one truckload every second! When it comes to fashion, slow and steady certainly wins the race. The Year 12 Integrated Learning class is hosting a Slow Fashion Market on Monday 24 June (Week 9) at lunchtime in the Jordan Courtyard. Come along and purchase an item of clothing ($5) or accessories ($2), with all funds raised for Mercy-affiliated projects.
Ms Maddie Kelly
JAM Coordinator