Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

It has been a chilly start to school for our 18 new Reception students and their families. The transition program in Term 2 has given them confidence and they have settled into the routines of school life very quickly. We look forward to our partnership with these new families, which will support the children to embrace opportunities and flourish here at SAC.
tHEY ARE Settling in very quickly!

Year 3 and Year 12 students were on camp last week, Year 3s at Narnu Farm and Year 12s on Retreat at Mylor. These are some of the most exciting and memorable experiences of our school years and we are grateful to the staff who make these activities possible. The restrictions around curriculum extension activities over the last couple of years have made us even more appreciative of the value of camps and retreats in promoting student wellbeing and building relationships.
a chance to slow down and get a taste of the simple life

In addition to year level camps, 36 Year 8 students participated in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award camp at Kuitpo Forest. The large numbers taking up Dukes in the secondary years indicates that students value and enjoy outdoor education and community service, key features of the Dukes program. In a few weeks, I will attend a reception at Government House for five students who have completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award at SAC. We are proud of the many students who participate in this award alongside their studies and know that this achievement will be an asset to them in their lives beyond school.

Students in Years 9 to 11 will be attending Subject Selection Information Sessions this term. Making well-informed subject choices in the senior years is central to the success of our students, not only in excellent ATAR results but in identifying future pathways that they can pursue with passion. Following these sessions, we encourage students to engage with their peers, teachers and families to explore their thinking and reflect on their strengths and interests. As parents and carers, your voice matters in these conversations, and we thank you for the wisdom and guidance you provide in this decision-making period.

Year 9 students participated in Languages Day this week. At SAC, we are proud to offer four secondary languages through to Stage 2 (Year 12) level, and strong enrolments in the senior years reflects the value students place on developing their intercultural understanding. The last few years have interrupted our program of Study Tours to China, Italy and Indonesia and Exchanges to France, but we look forward to embarking on more of these adventures as travel becomes possible again. In the meantime, we thank our creative and inspiring Languages teachers for their continued commitment to bringing language and culture to life for our students.

This term we once again welcomed a group of students and staff from St Capitanio High School in Japan. Our friendship with St Capitanio has been strong and constant for over 25 years and it is a joy to have them back in 2022, after a brief hiatus. They have spent their first fortnight in intensive language classes and visiting some of the sights around Adelaide. Next week our visitors will join Year 10 classes and their buddies will accompany them on their immersion experience at the College. We know that this will be a memorable time for both the visiting students and their buddies here at SAC.
Wishing everyone all the best for Term 3!
Ms Paddy McEvoy
ykoso (welcome) to the 20 students from St Capitanio High School who are visiting us from Japan!
Cherishing relationships and having fun together at Year 12 Retreat!
Despite the typical cold weather during July at Mylor, the Year 12 students on Retreat were greeted by glorious sun on their first day. Even when the rain set in on Thursday afternoon the students were too engrossed in their team-building activities (high ropes, giant swing, canoeing and hiking) to worry about a few showers! In all, students were able to take some time out from their school schedule to bond with their fellow students while reflecting on shared experiences, the value of meaningful relationships and the benefits of having fun together. The camp-fire experience with toasted marshmallows was also a highlight, not to mention the talent show!

Wonderful Creations on Display!

Please come along to the front office to view the amazing work of our Year 7, 9, 10 and 11 Art and Design students. Featured in the foyer are the Year 10 Design classes' SAC shelter design posters, the Year 10 Art classes colourful My Place paintings, and the Year 9s creative Fauvist inspired paintings. The Year 11s Environment themed artwork is an amazing exhibition of multimedia pieces. Displayed in the centre are the Year 7s vibrant Animal sculptures, their abstract animals do not fail to brighten up the foyer!

Inspired into the World of Portraiture
On Tuesday 2 August a group of Year 10 students attended the Transforming Techniques: Self Portraiture workshop held at the Art Gallery of South Australia. Practicing hyper realist artist Ellie Noir took students through a full day portrait drawing workshop which also included a very special sneak peak at the Archie 100 exhibition that is currently featuring at the Art Gallery of South Australia. Students felt extended and inspired in their own work by the experiences of the day.
To encapsulate, this amazing opportunity has brought me new insight into portraiture, and has taught me the different elements and techniques that are vital to drive a successful portrait. Disha Singh
"The self portrait workshop taught me new artistic skills I hadnt learned before, like drawing with charcoal, a medium excellent for smooth blending and incorporating the Archibald prize winners styles into our own portrait." Scarlett Scardigno

Year 9 and 10 - 'Fighting the Kaiser'
As part of their study of World War 1 and World War 2 in Humanities and Social Sciences, the Year 9 and 10 students watched plays titled Fighting the Kaiser and Fighting for it, comprised of true stories from diary entries from a World War 1 correspondent named Charles Bean and from the Australian War Memorial collection. Absolutely phenomenal and performed by one actor only, this play built on the learning and research in the classroom. Students commented it was most definitely a highlight of the History unit.

Celebrating Students' Achievements
Congratulations to Year 12 student, Rida!
Rida entered the Flinders University Young Playwrights Competition, deciding to write a play for the first time. This was not only a great experience, Rida also won the Junior Award (including $500 prize money and a subscription to the State Theatre Company) with her play called The Girl in the Painting.
Rida says, I have always been very passionate about writing because its a way for my voice to be heard through written words. I usually choose the narrative structure but I took on this amazing opportunity and decided to write a play for the first time. I always aim to deliver messages through my stories so I decided to teach people the purpose of wearing the hijab. This was an amazing experience as I was able to teach others and learn something new myself".
Tayla's Success!
Congratulations to Year 7 student Tayla who earlier this year was selected as a member of the 2022 SA Junior National Calisthenics Team. Tayla recently competed in the Australian National Championships held in July. As well as being a member of the junior team this year, she also was chosen as one of five girls from SA to perform as a soloist at the Nationals to represent South Australia in the Junior Graceful Girl Solo section. It was an outstanding achievement for Tayla to place Equal 2nd in Australia for her Solo performance, and was also wonderful to know that her team took out the National Championships with 1st Place overall! Well done Tayla, keep shining and dancing!

Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Awards Recipient
Congratulations to Year 6 student Alannah, who recently participated in the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Awards at the Adelaide College of the Arts. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the RAD Awards South Australia - the longest running RAD Awards programme in Australia.
Students from dance schools across the state competed for a range of prestigious trophies. Adjudicated by Lisa Pavane (Director of the Australian Ballet School), Alannah was recongised with the Sir Robert Helpmann Award for Intermediate and Advanced Foundation grades. She also received the Eileen Hogarth Most Potential Award.
Alannah commenced training as a Level 2 student of the Australian Ballet School Interstate Training Program this year after successfully auditioning last year. Well done Alana!
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Winter sport
Winter sport recommenced after the holiday break last weekend for all badminton, netball and soccer teams. There are only three more rounds of the Winter season, with finals being played on Saturday 13th and 20th of August. Premiership tables will be updated in the lead up to finals, and will be accessible via the SEQTA Sport Portal. Additionally, finals draws will also be uploaded to the SEQTA Sport Portal prior to these dates, so please be sure to go online and check.
- Log into SEQTA engage
- Access Portals from the side menu
- Select Secondary Sport Term 2 & 3
Finals fixtures, draws, venue maps and the weekly schedule are all available through this portal.

Sporting Spotlight!
Congratulations to Year 11 student Rena, who was recently selected to represent South Australia at the 2022 Yonex Under 19 Australian National Championships held at the Adelaide 36ers Arena. Rena and her SA team placed 2nd, losing to Victoria in the Gold Medal playoff. Rena reflected on her experience saying, playing at my first Under 19 nationals gave me an insight to competitive badminton on a much larger scale, further widening my badminton experience. We are lucky to also have Rena coaching one of our Middle Year Badminton teams, sharing her experience and skills. Congratulations to Rena on this amazing accomplishment!
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
The Tale of the Fire Phoenix
In Week 10 of Term 2, a small group of musicians from the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra visited SAC to perform for and with the Year 2 and Year 3 students. The performance of The Tale of the Fire Phoenix, written by educator, composer and performer Zhao Liang, delved into the world of Ancient Chinese mythology and introduced students to the Guzheng, a core ancestral Chinese instrument. During their Music lessons during the term, the Year 2 and 3 classes also explored orchestra instruments and learnt movement and body percussion parts to accompany the Orchestra, with their Music teacher Ms Madeleine Binney. They also created artwork to accompany the music.
Students' Reflections:
"When I heard the music played live, I felt happy. I was also proud that I worked hard to learn the songs and actions in my Music lessons." Allie, 2SC
"It was very nice of the Orchestra to play for us we are so lucky!" Alexia, 2SC
"The Orchestra had all types of different instruments and I liked how they played high and low notes. They sounded really good together." Devanshi, 2SC
"It was interesting how the instruments of the orchestra told the story of the Fire Phoenix." Isabelle, 2SC

SAC Senior Rock Band Why not?
During the Term 2 holidays, the Senior Rock Band, Why Not? spent a day in the Chapel Lane studios, recording three tracks - two originals, written by members of the band, and one cover song. It was a fantastic experience for the band, who have come together this year. Their songs will soon be released on Spotify, so stay tuned!

Semester 2 Immersion Programs
There was great excitement in the Music Department in Week 1, with the arrival of the instruments for the Year 4 Woodwind and Brass Immersion Program and the Semester 2 Year 7 Band Program. Students have now begun their lessons and we look forward to seeing and hearing their musical development over the coming months.

Spring Concert 2022
The SAC Music Department is excited to announce that that the 2022 Spring Concert will once again be held at the Adelaide Town Hall, on Friday, September 9. The concert will feature a wide variety of instrumental and vocal ensembles, from the Primary and Secondary schools, and will also showcase the work of several of our Stage 2 Music students. We are all really looking forward to sharing the talents of all our students in such a wonderful venue!
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator

From the Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)

This term, students in Years 9, 10 & 11 will choose their subjects for 2023. Students in these year levels are currently participating in subject selection information sessions which provide information about features of the SACE and subject-specific information to assist them with their choices for next year. A unique web code and instructions on how to complete their subject choices online has been emailed to students in these year levels.
Students have been provided with a hard copy of the 勛圖厙 SACE Curriculum Handbook 2023, which contains an overview of all subjects offered here at the College in Years 10, 11 and 12, information about completing the SACE, tertiary entrance, and vocational pathways. Current Year 9 and 10 students are strongly encouraged to consider subject choices for next year and to look ahead to explore the pathways these subjects lead to in 2024.
Key dates for students and parents
- 9pm Thursday 18 August: Students complete online subject selection form
- Friday 19 August: Students IN Years 9, 10 & 11 submit a signed hard copy of the subject selection form to their Home Class Teacher
- Monday 29 August (3:00pm 8:00pm, Week 6) Subject Selection interview with student and parent/caregiver for current students of Year 10 & Year 11
More information about the subject selection interviews in week 6 will be provided via your daughters Home Class Teacher in the coming weeks.
Advice for students choosing subjects
- Choose subjects you are good at your strengths
- Look at your achievement so far this year
- Consider your interests
- Keep your options open
- Research possibilities and talk to others in careers of interest
- Read the SAC Curriculum Handbook for information on subjects
- Visit the
- Discuss choices with teachers and your family
- Think about what you might like to do after school and what subjects might be best for your plans
- Investigate University pre-requisite subjects for particular courses
- Consider the future career market
- Choose carefully for YOU
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)
Continuing the Storytelling of our History

eurythmics era
Sr Teresa Dunlevie was instrumental in the introduction of eurythmics to encourage graceful deportment, coordination and to promote physical health. By the late 1930s, eurythmics was an important part of the school curriculum with Mr Noel Hubbard, from the College of Physical Culture, Dancing and Massage, employed as an instructor. In 1951, to celebrate the jubilee of Australias Federation, 450 children participated in a display in the convent grounds in front of the Archbishop and other dignitaries. Eurythmics disappeared from the curriculum sometime in the 1950s.
Ms Carol Grantham
Head Archivist

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
SAC'S scientist and researcher!
James Moore Memorial Prize in Palaeontology
James Moore (19902014) was a dedicated young Flinders University scientist originally from Whyalla. His passion was palaeontology, the study of fossils. James became hooked on fossils as a high-school student after he grasped an opportunity to participate in Flinders palaeontology expeditions to collect the bones of ancient megafauna. He loved the thrill of travelling to remote sites and back through time to discover remains of weird and wonderful animals from Australias past. James was passionate about helping school students to learn about Australian fossils and encouraging them to interact with scientists and become involved in research.
In honour of James, Flinders University established the James Moore Memorial Prize in Palaeontology in 2015 for rural South Australian high-school students. Each year two prizes are awarded, one for a regional student and one for a metropolitan student. We are excited to congratulate Year 10 student Sara Roesler who was awarded the metropolitan student prize for 2022 after submitting a wonderful application explaining why palaeontology is important. Sara won $400 and opportunity to participate in a 7-10 day field trip to Wellington Caves in NSW alongside staff and students from Flinders University. Congratulations Sara, a fabulous achievement!
Congratulations to Year 10 student Sara Roesler who was awarded the metropolitan student prize for 2022!

Upcoming Open Days information:
Making a decision about study or training after school is not an easy one. Whether you're applying for an undergraduate degree or a course through a registered training organisation, it's a good idea to do plenty of research before you decide on which option will suit you best.
Open days allow you to explore courses and to find out about options you may not be familiar with. If you are undecided which route to take, you can gain a better understanding of which is best suited to you and what you will achieve at the end of it.
Ask about the structure of the course: what are the compulsory components? Do they offer the optional units that are necessary for your career path?
Its recommended that you sit through at least a couple of subject talks, where you should be able to narrow down your options by finding out more about the departments teaching practice.
Questions to think about include:
- Does teaching incorporate enough of a practical element for you?
- What does the department/course aim to equip its graduates with?
- How is the course assessed?
- Whats the proportion of teaching time versus independent study?
- Are there opportunities for placement, internships and/or overseas study?
Talk to current students and find out what it's like to study at a particular university, they are most likely to give you an accurate firsthand account.
If you're happy with the course, and the students and staff seem friendly, ask yourself; can I settle here for the next few years? Do I like the place? Is it somewhere I can see myself and enjoy? What appeals to me about the environment?
Only you can decide what is the right fit, so make your decisions based on sound research!
Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator

The University of Adelaide Open Day 2022:

UniSA Open Days 2022:

Flinders University Open Day 2022:

Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Open Days 2022:

Academy of Interactive Entertainment Open Day 2022:

ICHM Discovery Days 2022: