From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
The annual Dux Assembly is always a wonderful celebration for the whole community, as our most recent graduates and their families return to celebrate their achievements. Last week, we had much to celebrate, including the 27 Merits awarded to Stage 2 students at SAC last year and the 33 recipients of Principals Commendations for achievement of an ATAR over 90. For this particular cohort, it was also a source of great pride that so many of them chose to return to SAC after their assessments were complete and help the Adelaide Day Centre packing hampers for families in need at Christmas. Clearly, they are taking much more with them beyond SAC than their academic achievements.

Our special guest at the assembly was Carmen Basilicata, a graduate of the Class of 2000. Since leaving school, Carmens love of learning has seen her complete a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Justice and Society, a Bachelor of Laws, a Diploma of Legal Practice, a Diploma of Languages, an Accreditation in Mediation and a Certificate IV in Government (Project Management). Carmen is now the Executive Director of Market Performance and Engagement for the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) the National Regulator for vocational education and training. Carmen spoke with wisdom and insight about how Mercy values had shaped her life beyond school, and how they can be the touchstones for graduates as they navigate some of the twists and turns of life beyond school. We are so grateful to Carmen for flying over for the assembly and sharing a little of her story with our current students. Read more about the assembly in this newsletter's feature piece.

Two of our senior students, Daniela (11LN) and Fransine (12NO), have been selected to participate in this years South Australian Student Representative Council (SA SRC). An initiative of the office of the Commissioner for Children and Young People, this body of over 160 senior students from schools across the state will enable members to create genuine, student-led change within their communities. We are so proud to have Daniela and Fransine representing the voices of SAC students in this forum.

Our youngest leaders were presented with their badges at a Leadership Assembly on Tuesday morning. At SAC, we believe that leadership confidence and capabilities are developed over time, and the experience of leadership roles in the early years is an important part of that growth. Students provide a listening ear and a voice for others, and learn to collaborate in activities that are fun and purposeful. We congratulate our Primary student leaders for Semester 1. After the presentation of badges, we were able to celebrate with pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, lovingly prepared by some of our primary parents. We thank all those who made time to come and help make this such a happy event.

This week we marked the beginning of the Churchs season of Lent with Ash Wednesday liturgies in every class. We heard that the ashes on our forehead encourage us to share compassion with others and remind us of the needs of those who struggle. In our liturgies, we considered ways in which we can act to best serve them. I am so proud of the myriad ways in which SAC students seek to help others, often with little or no public recognition, and I am grateful for the everyday acts of kindness that take place in our school. As we enter this Easter season, may we all challenge ourselves to live and act with love and hope for the world.

Ms Paddy McEvoy
NAPLAN Online 2023

The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) takes place each year for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Unlike previous years, the tests have been scheduled to take place in Term 1, between Wednesday 15 March and Monday 27 March. Please note that this timeframe allows for catch-up days for students who may miss a test. All tests will be conducted online, with the exception of the Year 3 Writing test.
Students will participate in 4 tests in total in the following domains:
- Writing
- Reading
- Conventions of Language
- Numeracy
The provides information from the SA State Government regarding the personal information collected and how this information will be used.
In preparation for NAPLAN tests, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will sit a National Practice Test on Tuesday 28 February. The test is for practice only and will not produce student test results for schools.
Practice Test Schedule Tuesday 28 February:
Year 3 & Year 7 | Year 5 & Year 9 |
Lessons 2 & 3 | Lessons 4 & 5 |
Students in all year levels will need to provide wired headphones for use in the practice test in February and the NAPLAN testing window in March. If your daughter does not have wired headphones, we have a limited supply of headphones available which can be borrowed.
Participation in the National Practice Test will provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the types of questions they will experience in NAPLAN Online 2023. Students, teachers and parents can also use the public demonstration site at any time to become familiar with NAPLAN Online:
More information about NAPLAN Online can be found in the publication
If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact us at the College.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary (R-6) Teaching & Learning Coordinator
Let Mercy Light the Way Class of 2022 Academic Success

This was the word that Ms Jacqui Jury, SACs Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning, chose to summarise the achievements of 勛圖厙s Class of 2022.
One hundred per cent of our Year 12 students successfully obtained their SACE, and 21 per cent of the cohort achieved an ATAR score of 95 or above, placing them in the top five per cent of all Australian students.
The Class of 2022 completed their entire SACE during a time of pandemic, which presented unique difficulties. But, with determination, courage and resilience, they proved that no challenge was insurmountable.
Our College Dux for 2022, with an ATAR score of 99.7, which placed her in the top one per cent of students in Australia, is Alisha Nair. Alisha returned to SAC on Friday 17 February for a special Dux Assembly, where she celebrated her academic achievements with her peers and was officially presented with her award by Principal, Ms Paddy McEvoy, and distinguished guest and Old Scholar, Ms Carmen Basilicata, Class of 2000.
Alisha Nair started at SAC as a Reception student and completed all of her schooling at the College. Alisha and her family have become enmeshed in the life of the College, which she credits with moulding her into a young woman with strong links to the Mercy values, and aspirations of becoming a medical professional when she completes university in several years.
Reflecting on her experience of Year 12 in a compelling speech to the school community, Alisha shared a Japanese proverb: Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.
I think a lot of us here today can agree that having a teacher that is passionate about their subject, complements your learning style and pushes you to be your best is a really special feeling.

These sentiments were shared by Carmen Basilicata, who also embraced the opportunity to share insights with our students, parents and staff during the Dux Assembly.
There are many values that are important and matter to me, but it is the Mercy values embodied in life at SAC that guide my decisions, actions and behaviours and they are Service, Hospitality, Courage, Justice, Respect and Compassion.
In her closing remarks, Carmen called on the community to, let the Mercy values be the torch that lights up the dark and illuminate the path.

Since graduating from SAC, Carmen has maintained her commitment to learning. She has completed a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Justice and Society, a Bachelor of Laws, a Diploma of Legal Practice, a Diploma of Languages, an Accreditation in Mediation and a Certificate IV in Government (Project Management). Carmen is now the Executive Director of Market Performance and Engagement for the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) the National Regulator for vocational education and training.
Hearing from Old Scholars like Carmen, whose lives have indeed been illuminated by the Mercy values instilled in them at SAC, gives the Class of 2022 hope and assurance that, as they take their next steps beyond the school gates, there will always be a place for them in the SAC community.
Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team

Year 8 Geography Explorations
8MB have started the year learning about the worlds vast landscapes. The students used Google Earth to explore satellite images of the terrain of some landforms that we discussed in class and enjoyed scratching countries that they have been to, or were born in, on our class World Scratch Map.
"In Geography this semester we are learning about landscapes and landforms. We are currently researching landscapes or landforms of our choice with a partner. I really like doing this assignment because I am learning a lot about the way the Greek Islands and Bondi Beach were formed and their value to people. I love Geography this year because my teacher is making it really fun and enjoyable." Bella Couch
"In Geography we have learnt about the geographical concepts, SPICESS which stands for Space, Place, Interconnections, Change, Environment, Scale and Sustainability. We have been applying these concepts in our assignment on landscapes and landforms. The class enjoyed watching a video and learning about different types of landscapes and landforms, it was very engaging and taught me more about the topic." Charlotte Hodges

Year 3 and 11s Buddy up with Laptops
Our Year 3 students were excited to receive their new devices. They have been enjoying the assistance of Year 11 students in helping to set these up. Year 11 student Poshika Magesh reflected on the experience It was really nice to be able to help the Year 3s with their laptops. They were so energetic to work with.
I liked how my buddy was patient and kind and helped me when I was organising my laptop Evie Forel
Our buddy taught us new things like copying images onto a document. They were helpful Amelia Wilson
We learned how to organise folders for our work. Our buddies were nice and I wish they could come back and help us again Sienna Pfeiffer
My buddy was very encouraging and helped me to learn how to copy and paste into Word Isabella Parra-Cardenas

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
The benefits of attending open days/evenings and career expos
Throughout the year there will be many opportunities to explore different career options. An excellent way to gather up to date information is to attend open days, information sessions and career expos. Its important to expand your knowledge and discover pathways or jobs you never knew existed; you might just find the one thing that ignites your enthusiasm!
Do your research
You could certainly walk into a career expo without any planning, but youll gain more from the experience if you know a little bit about the organisations who will be attending and what information youd like to get. Career expos usually advertise a list of exhibitors who will be present so you can plan prior to the event. If you have no ideas about what you want to do then a wander around the expo may assist in understanding what is available.
Be prepared
If youve never been to an expo, you may wonder what to take on the day. My suggestion is to take a large bag as many exhibitors provide brochures and some give away free gifts! An iPad or phone is handy as lots of exhibitions have online competitions you may wish to enter.
Ask questions
One of the primary pieces of advice I can offer is to ask lots of questions. Thats why the exhibitors are there, they want to help and they want you to understand what their organisation can offer. Its a good idea to have a list of questions prepared so you dont forget!
Motor Trades Association Open Night

To register visit:
2023 TSCEA

To register visit:
Defence Force: Officer Careers Information Sessions:

Click on the link below to learn more:
Lots of fun at Drama Club!
Last week saw the start of Drama Club for 2023! This year we have both a primary and senior Drama Club. Our energetic drama leaders (plus a few Year12 friends) run the primary Drama Club, whilst the equally energetic teachers, Ms Newton and Ms Kennedy, run Senior Drama Club. As always lots of students turned up and had an amazing time and this is just the beginning of their lunchtime drama fun!
Mr Tom Coultas (on behalf of the Drama Teachers and Leaders)
Hello from our friends in drama club!

From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
Primary school students celebrated Shrove Tuesday by enjoying some pancakes with their class on February 21. Traditionally during Lent, Christians would give up rich foods such as butter, eggs and sugar. Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat these foods and what better way to do so than with a delicious pancake! Thank you to all families who donated pancake mix and toppings. The Primary JAM Leaders loved being able to donate our extra toppings to the Adelaide Day Centre in Moore St.
The following day, students marked the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Liturgy on February 22. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Churchs season of Lent. The marking of the ashes on our foreheads on this day is a public expression of our faith and humility. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lent prepares us for the season of Easter, the most important time in the Churchs calendar. By praying, fasting and giving alms, we are reminded of Jesus death and resurrection. All Primary classes received a Caritas Australia Project Compassion box to assist with the collection of donations during Lent. Families are welcome to through our fundraiser page. The theme of Project Compassion for 2023 is For All Future Generations and reminds us that the good we do today impacts the lives of generations to come. Project Compassion boxes with monetary donations can be brought back to school after Easter along with the tab attached inside the box completed with the requested information. For further information about Project Compassion or if you would like to donate online, please visit the Caritas Australia website at: www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion.
Ms Isabella Deluca
Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Project Compassion for 2023 is For All Future Generations
Families are welcome to to donate online through our 勛圖厙 fundraiser page.

Valentines Day, Library Lovers Week

Coinciding with Valentines Day, Library Lovers Week is a fun opportunity to acknowledge all the things we love about our library. Primary students enjoyed working with Amy and Ally at lunch time on heart themed origami. Library class sessions involved stories about libraries and talking about what experiences students love sharing most in our library. These were enthusiastically illustrated on heart-shaped magnets to keep on fridges at home or bookmarks to pop in novels.
Many students took up the offer of having a blind date with a book over the course of the week. A number of great reads were wrapped up with only the genre as a clue. This is a great way for students to try new genres, authors and series.
Senior students were invited to enter a Literary Lovers competition searching for clues scavenger style across the campus. Students needed to identify the authors of famous couples in literature to crack the competition code. Alessia and Mila from Year 3 excitedly drew the winning entry with Nisha and Jasmeen from Year 9 our lucky winners.
Ms Ali泭Ripberger

SAC Laneway is back!
SAC Laneway is a fun night that show cases SAC music talent and is supporting the Rock Band to record at Chapel Lane Studios! With a stage set up in the Dunlevie courtyard, performances from The Senior Rock Band - "The Unexpected", Year 10-12 Rock Band, Senior and middle school choir, primary band, stage and concert band and the drum corps it's going to be a great night!!
There are also many food and drink options available with other entertainment, such as bouncy castles, giant Jenga and snakes and ladders!
With a gold coin donation to enter, this is going to be a great night with family, fun and friends. Can't wait to see you there!!