From the Principal - Issue #14, 2024

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
At this weeks College Advisory Council meeting we visited The Wardlis in the Mitchell Courtyard to hear Maja Tongerie, one of our First Nations Student Support staff, speak about the journey of bringing this project together with local First Nations artist Cedric Varcoe. We look forward to welcoming our First Nations students and their families to the opening of this space early next term and I am proud of the visible and vibrant acknowledgment of country that this installation provides in the heart of the College.

Each year at this time, I engage in individual conversations with the teaching staff. Schools are busy places, and it is important to me to take this time to reflect on the year together. In 2024, the key focus of my conversations has been to explore in depth a paper presented by the Chair of the College Advisory Council, Dr Sue Holoubek. Sue is a past student and staff member of the College who played a key role in bringing together the book Making Space: Women and Education at 勛圖厙, Adelaide 1880-2000. Sues knowledge of the history of SAC, combined with a deep commitment to seeing the work of the Sisters of Mercy continue to flourish here, meant that she was able to clearly articulate the essence of who we are. Sue presented this paper to the Advisory Council and to the whole staff. This set the scene for my conversations, enabling me to check the temperature with the staff who are on the ground here each day. I appreciate the insights staff give me into how we are living out our Mercy ethos today and identifying ways in which we might express the ethos more authentically. I am grateful to Sue for laying the groundwork for these rich conversations about our identity.
We were thrilled to welcome so many primary families and friends to our Book Week Parade in the gym last Friday. The theme for 2024, Reading is Magic, captures the transformative power of books in our lives. Teaching and support staff, and especially the wonderful team in the Catherine McAuley Library, bring the magic of reading alive for our students each and every day at SAC, and we are so grateful for the inspiration they provide. Thanks also to the parents, whose many hours of creative endeavour with costumes was on display!

Grandparents and grand friends of our Reception students came out in force for our rescheduled Grandparents Day on Wednesday. The children were so proud to show their visitors around the school and engage in some fun activities with them. Once again, our wonderful Library team joined with the Reception teachers to create this event, and after spending time in the library and the classrooms, they finished the visit with a closing liturgy.
Our Reception students were delighted to welcome their Grandparents and Grand-Friends for a special gathering

And finally, today we celebrated the Dads in our community with a Fathers Day Breakfast in the Auditorium. Serenaded by the primary choir and fuelled with coffee and bacon & egg brioche buns, around 100 parents joined us to celebrate love and family. Wishing all the wonderful fathers in our school community a very Happy Fathers Day this Sunday.
a WARM CELEBRATION WITH OUR Reception to Year 12 fathers AND significant men in the lives of our students

Ms Paddy McEvoy
Inspired by Charity Founder
As part of preparations for the Year 12 Society and Culture Social Action Lunchtime for 2024, the two classes were treated to a very informative presentation by Stephanie Malan, from not-for-profit The Village Co on 2 August. Ms Malan started the charity to assist underprivileged new mothers by providing them with a gift bag of quality products as they leave hospital with a new baby. Students heard how Ms Malan was inspired to help others as a result of her career as a midwife and witnessing the harsh reality for some of her patients. Most of the products are donated and the bags are packed by volunteers.泭
Ms Sarah泭Cowling
Society and Culture Teacher

Frayne Speech Festival a Platform for Impact
Mercy Light: Leading
Glossophobia: its one of the lesser known phobias, but surprisingly, its more common than the fear of spiders, heights, and even death. In fact, its estimated that over 75% of the population experiences some form of it. This week, students from 10 Mercy schools will gather in one of our Mercy sister-schools to not only confront the very thing that causes many to quake in their boots, but to conquer it.
Five SAC students, accompanied by teachers, Ms Elizabeth Boylan and Ms Lucy Newton, were welcomed in the familiar spirit of Hospitality by this years festival host, Our Lady of Mercy College, in Heidelberg, Melbourne. Judith Weir, Principal of OLMC, said, for over 20 years, the Frayne Speech Festival has given Mercy students the opportunity to gather in friendly competition using the power of spoken word. Students use their voices to share ideas, debate contentious questions and deliver joy through bringing poetry to life.
Catherine McAuleys legacy as Sisters of Mercy Foundress is familiar to many at 勛圖厙, but an equally inspiring tale is that of one of her first followers, Mother Ursula Frayne, the courageous, Irish Sister of Mercy who was entrusted to carry Mercy to the far shores of Australia.
In 1845, just four years after Catherines death, Ursula arrived in Perth, where, in no small undertaking, she established Australias first Mercy school with planks, bricks and packing cases as the furniture, later venturing across the arid plain to do the same in Victoria. Congregations of Sisters, Mercy schools and ministries around Australia soon followed. Its fair to assume that Ursula Frayne was not herself plagued by glossophobia!
Year 10 student, Alice, debated with fellow students, Mariya, also in Year 10, and Niamh in Year 11. The team met with great success, competing in the finals and finishing as runners-up. Alice shared her excitement, explaining how the festival is, 存uch a great opportunity - getting to compete interstate, interacting with young people from all over, and gaining some valuable experience debating in a new environment. Plus, it's very exciting to get flown out to Melbourne and spend some time with my SAC teammates.
Debating has been a great way for me to develop my skills, such as speaking clearly in front of new people, constructing strong arguments, and getting better at expressing my thoughts. I think it's a great thing for students to do and can offer so many benefits, from building academic abilities to strengthening self-confidence!"
As well as the team of debaters, two brave Year 11 students, Zahra and Harnaaz, captured the festivals audience with different topical speeches. Zahra spoke to The Power of Stories, while Harnaaz, who made it all the way to the Festival finals, explored ideas around why Silence is Undervalued, placing a particular emphasis on women. Harnaaz said, I want to highlight the invisible women whose silence acts as a thread of unity, binding them in a tapestry of unspoken strength. Women, across different walks of life, have been silent witnesses to their own stories, their struggles and their victories. In their silence, there is a profound narrative waiting to be heard.
These are powerful words with which Catherine McAuley and Ursula Frayne would surely agree.

The teachers accompanying SACs speakers and debaters, Ms Boylan and Ms Newton, are no strangers themselves to the stage; Ms Boylan has been coaching SAC students for over 20 years; some of whom have achieved competitive success at national level. Ms Newton is an acclaimed playwright, whose words have captivated audiences around Australia, including at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Ms Boylan explained how, public speaking affords students the opportunity to develop their creative and critical thinking skills. It boosts confidence and self-esteem and fosters leadership skills, as they learn to address an audience and confidently present their ideas. It is always a pleasure to see young people speaking with clarity and confidence. This is what we saw at the Frayne Speech Festival this week and what I have had the pleasure of seeing over many years at SAC, supporting and encouraging students who want to participate in public speaking competitions.
Ms Newton shared similar sentiments, saying, I've loved working with our SAC debaters. I'm constantly in awe of the worldliness, intelligence and thoughtfulness of our students and am thrilled to have gone to Melbourne with the team this year!
Ms Boylan and Ms Newtons expertise have positively influenced many current and former SAC students. However, when it comes down to the moment before a student speaks, when they draw a breath and cast their gaze across the audience, its up to them alone to summon the courage to use their voice. Mother Ursula Frayne may have built her first school from planks, bricks and packing cases - not the most durable materials - but the values taught in the tradition of Mercy make for solid foundations on which students can stand to convey powerful messages, and these stand the test of time. Congratulations to Alice, Mariya, Niamh, Harnaaz and Zahra!
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team
140 students. 10 days. 8 flights. 2 birthdays. 13 divisions in the Senate. One camp well never forget.
This term the Year 7 students have been exploring their democratic rights and responsibilities, which led us to travel to our nations capital in Canberra. Between our parliamentary visits, we also visited sites of national significance and importance. From Jackson Pollocks Blue Poles to the wall of red poppies in the Hall of Memory, our week away was filled with colourful moments, rich learning opportunities and endless amounts of fun.
My heartfelt thanks go to the staff who so generously gave their time, compassion, and energy to make these camps happen so successfully.
The War Memorial meant a lot to me finding out about the people that died for us. Maja Papillo 7MW
I loved the drama in Question Time. Charlize Dang 7MW
I really enjoyed the Embassy Drive as we could see the different countries buildings and how the architecture matched their countries tradition. I remember the USA Embassy security guard waving back at our bus which was very fun. Raya Fathima 7MH
This trip opened eyes to new adventures, thoughts, ideas, and qualities. As a new student in Year 7 I definitely bonded with so many new faces and went outside of my comfort zone with old and new friends joining me along the way. Hanna Phillips 7紼兜
My favourite part was the Dinosaur Museum. It was very fun, and we got to feel and see real fossils. Liana Arthur 7MS
I felt very special going into all of these places including the Australian War Memorial, seeing all of the different people who served in the war especially the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Tiana Moratti 7MS
It was an amazing opportunity, where we got to learn about lots of interesting things. We visited lots of different places like the National Art Gallery, Old parliament House, New Parliament House, The Mint, The Australian War Memorial, Questacon, and many more. I enjoyed Canberra because I got to spend the whole week with my friends, and it provided an opportunity to make new ones. Lilliana D'Annunzio 7MS
Ms Tenielle Nuske
Year 7 Coordinator

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
We are thrilled to share that our talented SAC Music ensembles had an amazing time participating in the ABODA SA School Band and Orchestra Festival in Week 4!泭
This annual event brings together school bands and orchestras from across South Australia, providing a fantastic platform for young musicians to perform, learn from each other, and gain valuable feedback from experienced adjudicators.
Our Orchestra, Concert Band, Stage Band, and Primary Concert Band showcased their skills and dedication, performing alongside over 150 other ensembles over the course of the 4-day festival. Were proud to announce that all our competitive ensembles achieved a Silver Award!
A special shoutout to our Primary Concert Band for their fantastic non-competitive performance.
Our students particularly enjoyed the opportunity to hear bands from other schools perform, making it a fun and enriching experience for everyone involved.
Congratulations to all our musicians for their hard work and fabulous performances. We are now eagerly anticipating the performances at our upcoming SAC Spring Concert, to be held at the Adelaide Town Hall dont miss it!
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator

2024 Spring Concert - Coming Soon!
Please see the below flyer for more information and note that students performing in the concert do not need to purchase a ticket.
to purchase YOUR TICKETS!

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Term 3 Half Time!
Term 3 sport is well and truly up and running.
Come n Try
We have the receptions doing Little Athletics in the lead up to the SAC Athletics Carnival, the Year 1s are developing their skills in mini-tennis and the Year 2s have been introduced to netball during their Come n Try sessions. All look like they are having fun!
The Term 2/3 lacrosse season has come to an end. The Year 3-5 team (and parents) were extremely dedicated, making sure they were at the games at 7:30am each Saturday morning ready to play. They had an amazing season, learned a lot and as a bonus, won most of their games! A huge thank you to old scholar Eleanor who ran their trainings and attended all games. Her expertise in the sport is really appreciated and she has made a very positive impact on these future lacrosse stars. I would also like to thank staff member, Gab Cronin, for being out there on Saturday mornings to support the team.

For the first time, SAC has had the opportunity to enter an all girls soccer competition. Off of the back of the Matildas popularity, many families asked that soccer be included as a sport offered to SAC primary students. It took some time to find a suitable competition but we have made it and from all accounts the girls are having a great time. I love seeing them out in the fresh air running around, it is so good for them!

ThunderCup Netball
Year 3-6 Netball has continued into Term 3. All teams are improving each week. Not only do the primary students have the opportunity to develop their netball skills and knowledge but many secondary students are supporting them. The coaches are learning and now we also have to provide our own umpires, which has meant that lots of secondary students are developing their umpiring skills also. It is great to see so much purple and gold out there on a Thursday afternoon!
Year 5/6 Knockout Basketball
Our Year 5/6 KO Basketball team competed earlier in the term in a round robin day consisting of five games. The winner of the day would go through to the state finals. They played extremely well, only dropping the one game for the day which put them in second place, an excellent team effort. Thank you to Aaron Casey for coaching the team and preparing them so well for their competition.

On Friday 23 August, 17 Year 5 and 6 students travelled to Bridgestone Athletics Stadium to trial for the East Adelaide SAPSASA District team. We had many fantastic results and the camaraderie around the team cheering for each other in their races was lovely to see.
We had a great finish to the day in the 4 x 100m relays with our 10-year-old team finishing 1st and our 11- and 12-year-old teams both finishing 3rd.
Congratulations to Mary (5CE) who has been selected to take part in the State Champs later in the term as member of the 4 x 100m relay.
I will be choosing the Catholic (SACPSSA) Athletics Team that competes in term 4 from the SAC Athletics Carnival results. This competition is open to all Year 3-6 students so if your daughter would like to be considered she must make sure she is involved in the events that she is interested in.

Nominations for Term 4 sport will be out soon. I will send out an initial email, but after that the link will be on the Primary Sport Portal for you to access.
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator

The final round of winter sport was played on Saturday of Week 4. We had several teams across badminton, soccer and netball competing in play-off finals to cap off their seasons. It was a particularly exciting finish for our Year 7 SAC 1, Year 8 SAC 1 and Senior SAC 2 netball teams who won their grand finals, finishing top of their divisions (team photos above). A big thank you to all of the families, coaches, teachers and spectators who have braved the cold each week to support our girls.
We look forward to the many opportunities and experiences that summer sport will bring in Term 4. Stay up to date with team lists and other information as it comes through on the Term 4 SEQTA Sport Portal.
- For parents:
- For students:
See more happy snaps from Finals Week!

Knockout Sport!
On Wednesday of Week 4, the 14th of August, the St 勛圖厙 Open knockout basketball team played in the Statewide Knockout Basketball grand final carnival.
Coach Mr Jacob Dickson shared some highlights from the day:
Coming up against some tough opposition early in the day against Kadina and Encounter, playing great team basketball our girls finished undefeated in the first round, moving to the finals round top of our pool.
To get through to the final the girls came up against a strong Unity team with the lead changing hands multiple times in the first half. After a much needed half time rest and chat, the girls came out in the second half firing, scoring quick baskets to pull the lead out and win the game to get us into the grand final.
The final matched us up against an also undefeated Marryatville team. With a few tired girls after playing four games straight, St 勛圖厙 controlled the game from the jump, scoring quickly and controlling most of the game with great team basketball on both ends of the floor.
I am incredibly proud of these girls finishing our Knockout season winning all seven games we played across all rounds, this is especially impressive considering this is a Year 11/12 competition and our team had no Year 12s, and four girls from Years 7-9. Fantastic effort by everyone involved.
A big thankyou to Mr Jacob Dickson & Mr Aaron Casey for their dedication to preparing the team through Term 2 and 3. We look forward to cheering on our interschool basketball teams through their successes in 2025!

We would also like to congratulate the year 9/10 and 7/8 knockout netball teams who both progressed through to the second round of the statewide school's netball competition back in week 3. Both teams had very competitive matches in their round 2 competitions, but unfortunately will not be progressing through to the final. Outstanding efforts from both teams to have made it so far!

Catholic Girls Athletics Carnival
It was a beautiful day for the annual Catholic Girls Athletics Carnival, which was held on Tuesday 27 August. Each year, a team is selected based on the previous years SAC Athletics Carnival results. 勛圖厙 competed against ten other schools on the day in track and field events, finishing 6th overall. We had particularly strong performances in the U/13 and U/14 age groups, finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively.
Whilst our team was slightly reduced due to the postponed date (original date was in March), it was so great to see a number of competitors stepping up to take on extra events to give our team the best opportunity to score points. We are very proud of each and every competitor, and thankful to the students who came along to help officials on the day.

Sporting Spotlight

SAC Debating - A Highly Successful Season

This year, SAC proudly entered ten debating teams into the Debate SA competition, marking a highly successful season for our enthusiastic debaters.泭Individually and as teams, our students have excelled, learning invaluable public speaking and persuasive writing techniques. They have worked collaboratively to construct logical, well-researched, and persuasive arguments. Throughout the season, many of our students were honoured with the Speaker of the Night award, and all teams celebrated multiple victories in their debates. A special congratulations goes to the Year 9 Yellow team who advanced to the quarterfinals and the Year 10 Purple team who have made it to the finals. We wish them the best of luck in their upcoming debates! Well done to all our debaters for their hard work and dedication this season and a special thank you to the staff who coached and supervised the teams.
Ms Lisa McLaughlin
Debating Coordinator

From the Catherine McAuley Library

TeacherLibrarian & Information Services

Book Week 2024 was a week where the magic of reading was truly felt and shared across SAC! It is always a special celebration, and this year was no different as we embraced the CBCA theme, Reading is Magic. Our Junior Primary classes loved participating in various sensory activities that connected with all the shortlisted picture books they had shared in library sessions. Ribbon dancing, from the Picture Book of the Year : Early Childhood category winner, Gymnastica Fantastica, was a favourite activity. Primary classes enjoyed book themed Kahoots, Scavenger Hunt trails and a bookshop visit from Annie, Mostly Books, recommending some new and popular titles from their shelves. Secondary students were invited to nominate teams to participate in an inaugural Book Week Quiz. The competition was fierce! A tie-breaker round was needed to decide the overall winner when two teams ended up with identical scores! Lunchtime library activities inspired by this years theme were enjoyed by all including magic sand, magic message writing, crafting colourful magic wands and learning a magic trick or two!
When the love of reading is acknowledged and celebrated by our school with the joy and enthusiasm we experienced not only in Book Week, but across our school year, it reminds us how important the Catherine McAuley Library is to our community, and the value and richness that supported reading brings to our students, particularly.
Ms Ali Ripberger
TeacherLibrarian & Information Services Coordinator
enjoy the happy snaps & Click on the image below to watch some highlights of this year's Book Week 'reading is magic'

SAC Playgroup Book Week Fun!
This years Book Week's theme Reading is Magic also brought stories to life for our little SAC Playgroup participants as they explored the enchanting world of books and imagination!

From the Visual Arts Department

Visual Arts Coordinator
Royal Adelaide Show Entries
Congratulations to the 40 SAC students whose stunning artworks will be featured in the Art, Craft and Design competition exhibited at the at the Royal Adelaide Show from August 31 to September 8. We are so proud of the amazing effort that went into their drawings, paintings, mosaics, and ceramic sculptures. We cant wait to see them all on display!
RUOK? Poster competition - outstanding achievement
Congratulations to Year 7 student, Sunday, who entered the RUOK? Poster competition and was selected as one of the Finalists! This means her artwork was voted by the judging panel as one of the top artworks in SA.
Even though Sunday wasn't selected as one of the 5 overall Creative Legends for the National Art Competition; they still wanted to celebrate her outstanding achievement by sending her an art prize pack and RUOK? merch泭pack.
Sunday's design represents how a meaningful conversation makes you feel. Well done, Sunday!
From the Drama Department

Drama Coordinator
A few weeks ago, a group of keen SAC students attended an offsite panel discussion called泭'Women in Creative Industries.' Featuring our very own old-scholar and actor/writer/director Katherine Sortini, the panel comprised of students from all-girls schools across Adelaide also including a fashion designer, a musician, a glass blower and a local politician. The event was an informative and inspiring discussion of each womans journey into the arts and related industries.泭 Student comments are below:
"Going to an all-girls Catholic School I have always been told that I could be anything I want to be and to not let another's pre-convinced notion about you stop you from pursuing what you love. It was great to hear this ethos reflected in the speakers on the panel, and that they had also greatly benefited from an all-girls Catholic education too." Alexa Bageas, Year 11
"The women in creative industries session held at OLSH college was very insightful to hear about everyones experiences within their careers and lives beyond school. I enjoyed hearing about everyones greatest experiences and fondest memories from school that shaped their lives currently." Isabella Clark, Year 11
"At the event, I found that a lot of the stories told by the panellists related to what we may be going through as students picking our subjects for the next few years. I found it inspiring how resilient they were and how creative and confident they were." Amy Branson, Year 10
"I learnt about the challenges women face within the creative arts and how they have overcome them. It was also good to learn about how the women got into their industries, who inspired them and how they were encouraged by their teachers." Grace Kennedy, Year 10

Celebrating the unforgettable memories with our amazing cast and crew from last years musical!
The High School Musical t-shirt has arrived and have been framed to be displayed in our SAC Drama area. This t-shirt joins the ranks of our past performances, a tribute to the hard work and joy shared on stage. Cheers to all the Cast & Crew and all the incredible moments we created together! Here's to many more!